Sims 3 Height Slider Mod

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Sims 3 Height Slider Mod 3,6/5 2127 reviews
  1. Sims 3 Height Slider Mod 1

For years, game developers have strived to make simulation-style games more and more detailed. Each new generation of games features yet another layer of realism that leads us gamers to wonder with increasing concern whether we ourselves are living in a simulation. Still, for reasons that largely have to do with budget, corporate release schedules, ESRB rating constrictions, and just general lapses in creativity, the game always seems to have a couple things missing, things that could easily be added in, and things that would vastly improve the quality of the game. In the gaming world, we call these things 'mods.'

Leave it to the gaming community to take a great game and make it even better. From legendary RPGs like Skyrim and Fallout to classics like The Sims, a true testament to the quality of a game is how passionately the user base tries to change it. Whether you're an experienced god of virtual beings or have only heard about floating green triangles in passing, these mods are sure to have you loading up your little microcosm, along with a few little tweaks. It's truly incredible the kind of mods that are available, and how creative the fans of this series can be.

You can be sure of this: the closer we get to achieving godlike powers in The Sims, the further we stray from it in our own reality. And with that said, let's go to our first mod...

Mod The Sims: Height Slider and Shorter Teens Mod v1.2 by simmythesim. Sims 4 Downloads. Rachel Staley. Sunny CC Finds TS3. V Games, Sims 3 Shoes, Sims 3 Cc Clothes, Sims 3 Free Download, My Sims, Bubble Shooter, Nails, Shorts, Sims 4 Free Play. A toddlerfix is made by vectorplexus for the old sliders by simmythesim. I added the fix to one of my downloads (heightslidertoddlerfix), and will hopefully add it them all once I have more time. Remove the old one and place this in your mods folder unzipped This is a height slider based on simmythesim first height slider. . However, If you're using WickedWhims and want a compatible height slider that works (for the moment), tedw's fork of the sliders in the OP from Post 891 or so worked when I put them in last night, but you have to adjust every sim by hand at the console, it seems. I haven't worked out how to use the 'hall' (height - all) in my test game yet. These do NOT have the Pie Menu as shown in the.

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24 A Different Kind Of Dancing

Because dance crazes from many years ago never truly fade away, it's no surprise they made their way into The Sims 4. Dancing is already part of the game, but the moves are, for lack of a less strange phrase, super basic.

Add a little flair to your dance parties with a variety of ever-improving dance fad mods.

Sims 3 Height Slider Mod 1

You'll find them over at the creator's blog, along with some fan-made videos of the software in action. It's really only a matter a time until they have a mod for the floss, and surprisingly there's nothing we could find that allows you to whip.

23 Make Them Remember You

There's only so much acting prowess we can expect out of fake digital people. When fellow fake digital people perish in the game, the reactions of those supposedly closest to them don't quite react with the grief of a devastated relative, but more of a detachedly upset distant acquaintance.

Well, in case this has ever bothered you in the past, or if you're just generally a fan of over-dramatic reactions, then this is the mod for you. It'll make your character react much more intensely when someone finally meets their end, make the event seem much more realistic, albeit sad.


22 Anything Is A Hat If You're Brave Enough

Caps, beanies, and fedoras are all well and good. But only true pioneers of headwear would wear a full sofa as a hat, or a canvas painting they crafted on their head as a testament to progressive fashion. Not many would be brave enough to achieve this in their day to day lives (we dare you to try) but luckily there's a nifty mod in The Sims4 lets you try it in cyberspace. The Objects As Hats mod has an ambiguous name so let me explain how it works; essentially, it lets you take any object in the game and turn it into a hat.

21 Spacetime Is A Social Construct

Has your Sim ever been late for a wedding? Are they ever out past curfew? Do they spend too much time at home, unwilling to travel? Solve all these problems are more with the Teleportation Mod! Updated with game patches, this mod allows you to teleport any Sim to a given location instantly.

It all revolves around a statue. You can use this unique item to summon a Sim to that location, or send them somewhere else. It can often be used for convenience, getting a Sim from one place to another. But maybe one of them is being really annoying and you wish they would just go away. In that case you'll want to hit that 'just go away' button and they'll be zapped to a random location elsewhere!

20 No Need To Hit The Gym

It seems, for whatever reason, people have complained that the Sims they send to the gym have been getting fit a little too easily. More understandably, people complain that their more sedentary Sims have been putting on pounds almost too quickly. It probably comes down to an inaccurate fitness calibration in the original game, and as usual it was up to the players to fix it.


As such, they've come up with a mod that lets you customize how quickly or slowly your Sims get fit or fat. Now you can keep them from getting overweight too quickly or, if you're a gym rat in real life, make your Sims work as hard as you did to get as swole as you are now.

19 Woo-Hoo!

To make the game more family-friendly, certain aspects of the game were made more discreet. Any seasoned or older player knows exactly what's going on, but the younger demographic might not.

And appealing to the latter required some censorship in more ways than one.

But to make it a win-win situation, Turbodriver created a collaborative and detailed mod to flesh out some things that aren't fleshed out in the game. One look at their features and you'll be amazed how realistic the whole affair really is, both in terms of animation/visuals and simulation-related consequences.


18 Male Pregnancy

Nature has certain laws explained by science, but who made these laws? In real life we may never know, but in The Sims it was a guy named Will Wright, followed by hundreds of modders who wrote new laws and rewrote old ones. And when you give people that much power, you get things far removed from our natural order like male pregnancy.

To be fair, this mod was created to support same-gender couples having children by natural means in the game (i.e., two guys or two girls can have children each other). So I suppose as long as intentions are good and progressive, the modding community has nothing to worry about.

17 When One Relationship Just Isn't Enough

If you're tired of your wife getting angry at your other girlfriend, your husband from seeing you with that other guy all the time, of if you just want that sweet privilege of having a bunch of relationships, then this is the mod for you.

Basically, it allows your Sims to have multiple partners, and removes all those annoying jealousy reactions and consequences. There are also updates that further deepen the level of polygamy you can achieve. There are also some other strange features which we'll get into later, features that would probably make the average player too uncomfortable if they were in the base game.

16 When You Need Extra Emotional Support

There are times when a person just needs a hug. All of us at some point have experienced a hug that just made all out troubles melt away, but we've also felt those without any passion or empathy whatsoever. Tragically, hugs in The Sims far too often fall in the latter category.

Luckily, for those of us who get deeply attached to digital beings, we have this mod. It basically changes the hug animation and turns it into more of a loving embrace. It's a small adjustment, to be sure, but seeing it in action is all the emotional fulfillment you'll need.

15 When You Get Too Much Emotional Support

And further down the spectrum of human emotion, we have a mod that intensifies every mood a Sim can feel, and affects their actions accordingly. Many players have felt that the Sims acted a little too tame.

Well, this Emotional Overcharge mod makes it so moods are more quickly intensified and harder to lull back to normality.

A scorned wife might do something a little more dangerous than just yell at her husband. A guy in love will probably make a huge fool of himself. And a child throwing a tantrum will be completely unpredictable.

Sims 3 Height Slider Mod

14 More Realistic Body Types

We can't help but notice that the physical appearance of Sims, while fairly customizable, remain largely the same in terms of anatomy. The full range of human appearance is quite vast and variable. From calves to hips to shoulders, we come in all shapes and sizes!

In the spirit of such diversity, the community has created a body slider mod that allows you to fully customize the size of the aforementioned body parts and many more. Want to make a Kardashian? Want your Sim to look just like you? Maybe want a Sim to look like he skips leg day? All of these and more are possible with the right slider modifications.

13 Ever Wanted To Be Taller?

Speaking of body image, most Sims of a certain age seem to have a standard height, with little more room for customization. You can remedy this with the Height Slider mod, allowing you to change the height of a Sim to match your preferences, or perhaps make them proportional with the massive legs you gave them with the previous mod.

With a few uses of this mod, you'll see why the creators of the game didn't customize height. It makes interactive animations out of sync, and using a mod that doesn't account for these discrepancies, you'll find yourself giving some pretty awkward hugs.


12 Ever Wanted A Bigger Head?

You've changed your body, you've changed your height. The only thing still out of place is your now-oddly-shaped head. Luckily, the modding community has thought of everything and came up with another slider mod for head size. Not only can you expand and shrink to match your body, you can blow up the size to comically large proportions, to the point where the sliders on your body don't even matter anymore. If you're brave enough as a pioneer of Picasso-esque 3D modelling, you can create an entire community of walking bobbleheads and Funko Pop toys!

11 Make Every Kid Look Like Damien

If you're not the type who believes all children are little angels, and would previous the nature of their devilish antics be manifested in some physical form, then this oddly specific mod is exactly what would suit your oddly specific tastes.

It basically gives the option to add horns to children, customizable by color. You might want them for the aforementioned reasons, or you might just like adding a little quirk to the otherwise vanilla atmosphere of the game. If you really dislike children, you can apply this mod, and use it in conjunction with the next one on our list as you roleplay a demon hunter.


10 Suspiciously Close To Skyrim

As we all know, the most annoying kids of any video game come from Skyrim. Those in the Sims can be a close second depending on their mood, but the creators saw fit to make it impossible for the Grim Reaper to take them until they become adults.

Whether it's hunger, disease, or some accident, they'll end up surviving, anything to avoid a child ghost.

Well if you like your plots dark and your endings bittersweet, you can download Dr. Chillgood's mod that makes children susceptible to any ailment.

9 Be Free, My Children

Most games have a variety of mod flavors, from aesthetic changes to new features to outlandish abilities. But all games with a reputation for being heavily modded have those few key mods that so vastly improve the game, you would never go back to the vanilla version. In The Sims, one such mod is the MC Command Center.

As we know, The Sims 4 microverse doesn't really move forward unless you make something happen. But with MC Command Center, the world keeps spinning even without your direct intervention. Sims will get jobs, get married, make friends, and generally interact based on certain traits all on their own.

8 Famous Sims

One thing notably missing from the base game is the concept of celebrity status. Wouldn't it be interesting to see how normal Sims react to those with celebrity status? Would they cheer and chase after a selfie? Would they faint from excitement? You can probably find out using a mod called Road To Fame which allows Sims to achieve celebrity status and all the interactions that come with it.

From paparazzi to fan levels, you'll live the life of a star.

You can even take it one step further and download premade models of real-life celebrities to play with in-game.

7 Never Forgotten

It's not really a glitch, but it is an inconvenient feature at times: if your lot gets overpopulated, the game will automatically delete Sims that haven't been used in a long time, essentially deleting them from the game without a trace. It can keep the game running smoothly but in practice it causes inconsistent relationships and loss of family history.

As a workaround, you can use the No Cull mod which prevents any automatic deletion of your Sims. This way, you keep all the relationships you think you might need, and can periodically cull on your own if it gets too overpopulated.


6 A Lannister Always...

We're not ones to judge, but sometimes a mod has no business being in a mainstream game. Then again, sometimes a virtual world is the only place to live out your strange, unhealthy dreams.

Normally, the game wouldn't allow romantic interactions between some people for obvious reasons. Now, trying to date someone without realizing the bond might be understandable, but downloading a mod that allows you to see other types of people is just wrong and I'm honestly not sure why I'm enabling it by telling you about it.

5 Control The Pets

It's wonderful that pets are a part of the game, but it's unfortunate that they cannot be directly controlled. Interactions are possible, but for the most part pets just wander around and follow their programming. Sometimes they'll do silly things like run away or put themselves needlessly in danger, and for such situations we have the Playable Pets Mod. Basically, it allows you to select pets as you would a playable character, and also adds some nifty interactions you can perform as a cat or dog.


4 Have More To Live For

When a new Sim is born/created, you have the option of choosing some life goal for them. After all, there needs to be some guiding thought in their provincial existence. As it turns out, even that isn't enough for the game to be interesting for some. And so they created the Random Traits & Aspirations mod. It doesn't add new aspirations to the game (as other story-related mods do), but it allows you to use new traits to create your own custom aspirations based on actions that can be taken in the game.

3 Maybe We're The Ones In A Simulation

With each new game, and each new mod, we get closer and closer to achieving hyper-realistic 3D models. And the better the game already looks, the more quality its mods are going to be. The Sims 4 is the latest in the franchise, and while it doesn't have some level of realism, the underlying animations and visuals are thematically cartoonish. Well for those who prefer to play the game not as an escape from reality but as an alternative, you have a wide variety of aesthetic mods that change the structure of Sims' models to give a more realistic appearance.


2 Go To School, Then Get To Work

Both the Go To School mod and the Active Career Aspirations mod require the Get To Work official expansion pack. The first allows you to send child Sims to school, where they must perform tasks like painting, playing an instrument, interacting with classmates, etc. These are then rated into a grade, and fits in perfectly with the Get To Work gameplay style. The second mod adds aspirations which weren't included in the expansion. It adds the Doctor, Detective, Scientist, and Frankenstein careers, each of which come with all new abilities and buffs. See, education and hard work can pay off!

1 Tropical Getaway

Something not too many people talk about is the world setting of The Sims games. You have your variety of town and city-related lots, customizable neighbors, and a few unique lore locations accessible through secret means. One of the more popular downloads is the Tropical Getaway Mod.

Much of this mod's appeal comes from beautiful visual detail and unique fun-in-the-sun style quests.

Some say it'll even make you feel like you're actually on the beach, and it's a great escape from the drudgery of normal life, both in the game and, y'know, real life.


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Luumia Sims came up with a feature that everyone’s been wanting in The Sims 4 – the Height Slider!

The Height Slider Mod allows you to make your Sims smaller (and taller) than the original height which is currently available in the game. All you have to do is click on your Sim’s throat and push up and down to modify your Sim’s height.

Of course, since this mod is a huge game changer it’ll influence the way your Sims will perform animations. Interactions between Sims with different heights might not look so good, however conversations seem to go normal as Sims will still know to look into each other’s eyes.

The modder also came up with a mod to change your Sim’s neck height, as well as modify your Sim’s hip shape.

Like all mods, you install this mod by pasting the .package files into your Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods folder and enabling Mods / CC in your game options.