Kotor 2 Best Headgear
In KotoR 2, I went Light Side Jedi Guardian/Jedi Swordmaster for my first character (with a double-bladed lightsaber), and a Dark Side Jedi Consular/Sith Lord for my second. The second was more powerful, since in the Korriban tomb, there's a body which spawns 2 monsters every time you activate it.
Successfully complete the game two times, once with a Light side ending and again with a Dark side ending. Start the game a third time to have new dialogue choices appear during the game.
Alternate menuSuccessfully complete the game and your character will appear on the main menu.
Infinite Light side points on Korriban in Shyrack caveWhen in the hidden tombs inside the Shyrack cave on Korriban, you will enter a dialogue with Kreia. It does not matter what you choose until your friends materialize. At first, side with them and say that Kreia is a Dark influence. Then, when she protests, side with Kreia to defend her. You will receive Light side points, and Kreia will remain there until you choose differently.
Infinite Dark side pointsAfter the Ithorians call you asking for your help, go to them and see the Ithorian in the plant room. He will ask you to help save their leader, Chodo. Ask him for a reward, then leave them on their own. Do this repeatedly to get more Dark side points.
Infinite Dark pointsIf you go to the Dark side, eventually you will get a Wookie in your party named Hanhar. After you have answered all the 'Influence' needed questions and learned that he killed his people and everything else, ask him why he follows you. He will reply that it is the way of a predator and prey and the strong and the weak. Either ask if that means he serves you or that one day he will kill you like he did Mira. He will say something about the life debts. Ask him about them, then say something along the lines of that it is foolish to hold on to them or ask why he still cares about them. He will say he cannot abandon all the ways of his people, but do not stop pressuring him. Eventually you will say that he is weak or that he will always be his own prey. You will get a success in influence success and grant him a +2 Strength -2 Intelligence bonus. If you do this enough times, it will subtract too much and boost his intelligence over 100 to 200 points. This lets you max out his skills. When you do this, you will get Dark points along with 1000 experience and +2 Strength.
Infinite experience on Nar ShaddaaUpon entering the refugee camp, speak with Odis. He claims to be sick but cannot do anything about it. He says that the caretaker might help. You must then eliminate all the Sirocco gang members to the east. This can be done by starting a fight with their leader. After they have been eliminated, make your way to the 'squid'-looking Exchange leader to the west. You will be given a choice to tell him about Odis being sick. Persuade the 'squid' to make more for the refugees. If you succeed, he will ask you to eliminate him. Respond that you will think about it and the conversation will end. You will receive 1,000 experience points every time you persuade him to make more room. This works because the choice to persuade him always occurs when you speak with the Exchange leader.
Infinite componentsUsing the 'Handmaiden's Robe' trick, breakdown the robes on the workbench to get 200 components. These can go a long way, for melee shields, energy shields, etc. Repeat this as often as desired. It is better to breakdown her robes than valuable merchandise.
Light and Dark side mastery bonusesWhen getting bonuses for having Light or Dark Mastery, the bonus you receive depends on your class and your alignment:
- Light Side Jedi Guardian: +3 Strength
- Dark Side Jedi Guardian: +1 to 8 additional damage
- Light Side Jedi Sentinel: +3 Constitution
- Dark Side Jedi Sentinel: +3 Dexterity
- Light Side Jedi Consular: +3 Wisdom
- Dark Side Jedi Consular: +50 additional Force Points
- Jedi Weaponmaster: +3 Strength
- Jedi Watchman: +3 Constitution
- Jedi Master: +3 Wisdom
- Sith Marauder: +1 to 8 additional damage
- Sith Assassin: +3 Dexterity
- Sith Lord: +50 additional Force Points
Your status screen will only show one bonus at a time, at the top. However, bonuses from your starting class are still present and active. Two bonuses of the same type will stack. For example, a Light Side Jedi Guardian / Jedi Weaponmaster has +6 Strength (+3 Strength for each class), and a Dark Side Jedi Consular / Sith Lord has +100 Force Points (+50 Force Points for each class). The best way to be a strong Force User is to be a Light Side Jedi Consular / Jedi Master. You will get Master Force Focus to add +4 DC to your Force Power Saving throws, and +6 Wisdom for Light Mastery, which increases your Force Points, Force Damage, Force Power DC and, for male characters with Battle Precognition (learned from Handmaiden), a +3 bonus to defense for Light Mastery.
Handmaiden's RobeAfter you duel with Handmaiden, she is not wearing anything. Put some clothes on yourself then ask her to put some clothes on. The robes she puts on are valuable. You can repeat this process as many times as you desired and sell the extra robes. Note: Only Handmaiden can wear these robes. Additionally, after sparring with the Handmaiden, tell her to put some clothes on. Make sure that you also have clothes on. She will put on her mother's Jedi robe, which only she can wear. It gives a +3 bonus to Defense and a +2 bonus to Charisma.
Heal and attack at the same timeOnce you obtain the heal power, it is possible to heal and attack at the same time. First you must heal, then while your character is in the middle of the heal technique, choose an attack (Flurry works the best). On the next turn your character should heal, however damage numbers will appear over your opponent's head. This is useful when defeating tough bosses such as Sion and Kreia.
ShieldsWhen you first get Bao-Dur after you leave Citadel Station, he can make lots of shields (an infinite amount for a limited duration). Keep asking him for shields. You will get Energy, Mandalorian Melee, and Echani types one once in awhile. This is useful for gaining credits. However, after Bao-Dur asks you about making a lightsaber and tells you to collect the parts, you can no longer ask him to produce shields.
DuelingTo become proficient with a lightsaber, you must work on the Dueling feat tree. The first level gives you a +1 bonus to defense and attack whenever you are using a blaster pistol, vibrosword, vibroblade, lightsaber, or any other one handed weapon. Note: This does not work when you are using two weapons. The height of the tree adds a +3 to defense and attack. Add this to the Jedi Defense tree, and if you are wielding a lightsaber or any other one handed weapon, you will usually have a defense of at least thirty when you have Master Dueling and Master Jedi Defense, and an awesome bonus to your attack.
WisdomWhen you level up, it is always a good idea to increase your character's Wisdom. This helps your Force attacks and Force bar. When you have a high Wisdom, your enemy will have a tough time resisting your Force attacks, and it makes the damage of your Force attacks higher and more effective. Attacks such as Stasis, or Stasis Field will be useful in a lot of areas in the game, especially towards the end and in in the very last battle. Normally if your enemy has a good resistance to the Force, some attacks like Choke, Crush, or Stasis will not do anything. However, with a high Wisdom you can do a lot of damage to them.
Prestige classYou can gain a prestige class when you are at least level 15 and have a very strong alignment to either the Light or Dark side of the Force.
If you know that a difficult character or Boss is coming up and you are ready to level up, do not. Instead, level up while fighting if your health gets very low. This will restore all Vitality points and Force points, and will also give you an extra edge.
Character progressionTo get your party's characters to progress quickly, simply return to the Ebon Hawk after you complete any mission (including bonus missions and side quests). This will trigger sequences where your party members will enact with one another. This does not happen every time you enter the Ebon Hawk, but does happen very frequently. Additionally, you do not have to gain influence to make someone a Jedi. If you are on the Dark side, if you get a large enough influence loss you can turn your party members to the Dark side. They will become Dark Jedi like your Dark character with a large enough influence loss.
Jedi party membersIf you have a female main character, the Disciple inside the Jedi Enclave sub-levels will join your party and eventually become a Jedi. He is the replacement for Brianna, The Handmaiden.
Hanharr as a party memberIf you are playing a True Dark side character, the Wookie will join your party. You will get to kill Mira with him. If you talk to him enough, you will gain attribute bonuses.
Gaining influence with KreiaAfter Visas has joined your party, anytime that you lose influence with Kreia, talk to her about Visas' home world and just choose the top conversation option. Then, end the conversation after you can no longer talk about Visas' home world. If done correctly, you will have gained influence with Kreia. Do this repeatedly until it stops or anytime you lose Kreia's influence. Additionally, get to the conversation with Kriea on board the Ebon Hawk when she tells you to raise you weakest skill before she instructs you further in the Force. When she asks what skill you feel is your weakest, simply choose one that an item you possess increases. Simply speak to her while it is not equipped, equip it, then speak to her again. You receive influence, bonus experience points and Force points. Also, you do not need to be at level 15 to do this.
Bao-Dur becomes a JediYou cannot really get into conversations with Bao-Dur, so there is no influence: failure or influence: sucess in talking with him. He must be in your party to gain influence. When you talk to him, you may be able to get shields from him (if you do not have too many of the kind he makes already), or you can construct your lightsaber if you have not already done so. After this, the only option will be 'Never mind'. Occasionally he may say 'You know, I'm really glad I found you again , General'. This conversation means nothing. You cannot get any influence gains from it, and all the choice options are not very good. Try to make it out without any influence losses or Dark side points. You will have to ask him why he is still here, and he will ask you if you are tired of him already. Then something about wires in the universe will turn up. Just reply with 'If you see any, let me know'. This conversation occurs more than once. If you have enough influence with him, when you talk to him, you should automatically get into a new conversation. It will mention something about Malachor V. Try to convince him that he was not just fighting for revenge, and that he was fighting to protect others, even if he disagrees with you. Eventually you should reach some random option saying that you can teach him to use the Force. He will say something else. Tell him there is no time to waste. You do not have to go through that series of one option conversation. It just simply states he is now a Jedi Guardian. Bao-Dur cannot equip any robes or Jal Shey Armor. If you want him to use powers that are restricted by armor, you must equip him with regular clothing or nothing at all. As mentioned earlier, in order for Bao-Dur to gain influence he needs to be in your party for practically the entire time. Also, a lot of the times for Bao-Dur to gain influence, only you and him must be in your party. For Bao-Dur and all the others you can train to be Jedi, taking the Light side is recommended. The following are some possible influence gains with Bao-Dur.
On Dxun, take only Bao-dur with you when you search for the dead Mandalorian's body. The Mandalorian is actually alive. He tells you that he is trapped on a ridge because he was ambushed by Bomas. Agree to help him by killing the Bomas. Once done, talk to him and agree to keep his secret. You will then get into a conversation with Bao-Dur. Tell him something along the lines of if you can help, you will, then end with saying that perhaps one day he will return the favor. Bao-Dur will say you never know, and you should get an influence gain with him.
On Telos, after you talk with Atris, go back to pick up your allies. However, before you do so, talk with one of the Handmaiden sisters, (not Handmaiden herself). Talk to her about Atton for a future influence gain with him. When you talk to Bao-Dur, be nice and tell him the crash and his collapse was not his fault, and perhaps you should let him stay in your party instead of waiting at the ship. You should get an influence gain with him.
On Nar Shadaa, take only Bao-Dur with you to the refugee sector. Have a minimum Treat Injury of 5. Talk to Geriel, be nice, and heal him. He will thank you, and say that he feels better. The conversation will end. Almost immediately after you start walking, Bao-Dur will stop you and say that was nice. Select the Light side options and you should get an influence gain with him.
At the Nar Shadaa Docks, explore the flop house to find a man name Lootra. Hear him out and agree to help him find his wife, Aaida. There are two guards that stop you in the refugee sector. Talk to the Gamorean, then tell him that if you are trying to threaten you, draw your weapons. If your intimidation works, you can only fight them earning Dark side points. Instead of talking to him with your main character, talk to him with someone else in your party. Even though it returns to your main character talking, the intimidation will fail and you can fight them without earning any Dark side points. Kill both of them, then go back and talk to Aaida. Tell her that Lootra is here looking for her. Then, say that you have taken out the guards and that she has a clear path out of the sector. This is when you need Bao-Dur in your party, and Kreia as well. Go back to flophouse and talk to the reunited couple. Kreia will get in an argument with you. Choose the answers that are correct and have to do with the Light side. She will get upset with you. Tell her that if it meant any of your allies' lives, you would do anything for them. This not the choice where you say that about Kreia, but the one after that. Bao-Dur will make a comment saying you remind him that back in the Mandalorian Wars, there was only one Jedi he saw valor in, which was you. End the conversation and you should get an influence gain with Bao-Dur without losing influence with Kreia.
On Nar Shadaa there is an airspeeder at the Serreco territory in the refugee sector. You may need to take the Serreco out before using it though. The airspeeder is missing parts and you do not have access to its systems. First, to gain access to its systems, use your Security skill after examining it. If you have Atton in your party, he will ask you to let him take care of it. You may both need a high Security skill for this to occur. Accept his help bvy saying 'All right, I'll let the expert handle this'. Afterwards, thank him for his help and you should get an influence gain with Atton. Next, go to the refugee landing pad and search all the metal boxes and containers. The Navigation system may be in the Plasteel cylinder where you get your ID changed to have Vogga's transponder codes. Next, go to Nar Shadaa docks and go to Pylon 3 (the one at the very end). To the left, there is a Plasteel cylinder that has the maneuvering flaps. Now, go to the flophouse and you will find an Ithorian in one of the places. Hear him out and agree to help him. He tells you that he sells power cells. There is no harm in asking him for one. He says that he will give you one after you help him. Talk to Fassa at the pylons and ask him about the Ithorian. Pay his debt and go back to the Ithorian. Tell him he can go as long as he gives Fassa some of the power cells. He will say that it is no problem and thank you. After the conversation ends, you will receive the power cell. Go back to the airspeeder and install the three parts. After you are finished, you can ask either T3-M4 or Bao-Dur to examine it. Let Bao-Dur examine it first. He will notice some things are wrong and offers his help. Accept it, then afterwards, thank him. The conversation will end and you should get an influence gain with Bao-Dur. If you can, now ask T3-M4 to examine it and say the same things. You should get an influence gain with T3-M4.
Handmaiden becomes a JediBe on the Light side as much as possible as a male jedi with a very high influence over Handmaiden. Ask her to teach you fighting moves and you will duel her. Defeat her three times (you should be at a high level because she is a difficult opponent) Also, you fight without clothes; follow the rules that she says. Put on clothes then tell her to but some on. She will put on Jedi robes. Talk to her about them (be nice), then talk to Kreia about the Handmaiden's mother. You will learn that she was a Jedi, and that Handmaiden got the robes from her. Talk to Handmaiden again, but about her mother this time. Be nice and tell her you know her mother was a Jedi. Then, say the Force could run strongly in her. If you have high enough influence (you may need to try a few times), she will ask you to train her. However, you may need to convince her to betray her oath to Atris. If done correctly, you will see a short intermission sequence of Atris saying that Handmaiden betrayed her.
Mira becomes a JediAfter you are finished on Nar Shaddaa, talk to Mira while onboard the Ebon Hawk. Keep talking to her to gain influence then ask her why she seems restless. Be nice while talking to her and you will hear her describe Nar Shaddaa, and you will give her the description that Kreia gave you. After you succeed, leave the ship with Mira and talk to her about the same thing. Take her to where Kreia showed you the Force (just in front of the cantina entrance by the railing), and you will stop to show her the Force.
Sacrifice VisasEquip Visas with the clothing that was on her when she joined your party while facing her master. You get the choice to sacrifice her.
Skip to rebuilt enclaveOn Enclave Courtyard, at the entrance to the rebuilt academy where the final confrontation of the remaining Jedi Masters is located, you can get inside before you complete any planets. Stand beside the door and add someone new to your party. If done correctly, they will spawn on the other side of the door.
Operating HK-47Use the following steps to make HK-47 functional again. On Peragus, get the Voice Vocabulator from the wrecked HK-50 droid. On Nar Shaddaa, after you defeat three HK-50 droids with T3-M4, pick up the remains. On Dantooine, get parts from the salvager by the Jedi Enclave. Also, try to pick up all the remains that the HK-50 droids leave.
T3-M4 with a rifleFind a Droid Warfare upgrade and install it. Then, choose any rifle from your arsenal and give it to T3-M4 in any slot of his weapon area. He will now use a rifle with great power and accuracy, due to bonus feats like Specialization: Rifle, and Dexterity.
Train Aton, Handmaiden, or Bao-Dur to be JediGo to the various parts of the game and keep speaking to each of those characters. Continue to gain influence with all of them, and eventually you will have the option to train them to be Jedi.
Barab Ore IngotTo get the Barab Ore Ingot easily you must be on the Light Side. If you choose Jedi Consular, Jedi Sentinel, or Jedi Guardian as a class and choose to be come a Jedi Master, Jedi Weapon Master, or a Jedi Watchman you can still get Barab Ore Ingot. However, do not use two lightsabers. You must use one lightsaber with a color being the same as your class. Also when you have completed four or five planets, it would be possible that you would get the Barab Ore Ingot between completing three to five planets.
Lightsaber constructionTo make a lightsaber, you need five things: a crystal, an energy fixture, an energy cell, a lens, and Bao-Dur. On Telos, the Ithorians will send you to the planet's surface. When you are shot down, talk to Bao-Dur. He will join your party. The energy fixture and cell can be bought at the salvager camp by the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. After you save Khoonda on Dantooine, Master Vrook will teach you a lightsaber form and give the lens to you. Crystals can be found in the crystal caves, bought, or found. After you have these, talk to Bao-Dur to have him make you a lightsaber. If you can find the glowing crystal, search it to get your crystal. If you put in your lightsaber it will be more powerful.
Bao-Dur is an ugly character that follows you around and calls you 'General'. He is also very skilled at constructing weapons, fixing general robotics, and ship repairs. He will tell you that if you get the parts needed, he will make a lightsaber for you. The following items can be found on these planets. On Dantooine, a salvager near the Jedi Enclave will have all but one part (lens) you will need, at a nifty price. She also has some color crystals. On Dxun, after you kill some Cannoks in the jungles, check their remains. One has the lens needed for the lightsaber. They are found near the Mandalorian ruins entrance, or by the Mandalorian cache. Also, you cannot get your old lightsaber from Arista. You must to collect components and bring them to Bao-Dur, or you can complete a major quest. A lightsaber hilt shell can be obtained at Citadel Station, from the Ithorian Leader. Jarron will sell you a refracting lens it if you save him. You can buy colored crystals. A Silver Crystal is located at the Rodian Merchant on Nar Shadaa, but you must pick her over the other merchant. Additionally, you can get a lightsaber part from Visa when you find her on the ship. You have to fight her, then see Bao-Dur.
Master Vrook will give you a lens (the only part which cannot be bought on Dantooine). If you have bought all the parts from the salvager camp and helped Master Vrook, Bao Dun should be able to construct a lightsaber for you.
When you escape Peragus 2 in the beginning, Atton will eventually ask you what lightsaber you had or want now. There is a choice between a single-bladed and a double-bladed lightsaber. The colors are blue, red, green, viridian, and violet, plus silver. Pick one to get it later in the game from Atris.
Lightsaber rewardsIf you assist the refugees by getting the Exchange to ease up, Hussef will give you a lightsaber. Also, Master Vrook on Dantooine will give you his lightsaber for saving Khoonda.
You can get a short lightsaber from Lootra when you free his wife in the Refugee sector by clearing a path through the exchange guards and killing all the Serecco thugs.
Mandalore will give you a lightsaber if you have completed every task in the Mandalorian Ruins to gain respect.
Best lightsaber crystalThe Crystal Caves on Dantooine hold your very own Force Crystal. It has your name and you can keep getting Kreia to 'tune' it to yourself throughout the game. It will also improve over time.
Always use the personal crystal in your own lightsaber. It is the best crystal in the game, giving you attribute bonuses and a +1 to attack and damage. Also, it is aligned to you, so that you can use a crystal of the opposite alignment and the alignment restrictions cancel each other out.
Using lightsaber crystals restricted to the other alignmentIf you have a powerful crystal that is restricted to the Dark side while you are on the Light side (or vice versa), put a crystal that is restricted to the opposite alignment in the other slot. They will cancel each other out.
Silver lightsaber crystal on Nar ShaddaaYou can buy a silver lightsaber crystal from Geeda on Nar Shaddaa. Note: You may have to make the other merchant leave Nar Shaddaa to do this.
Lightsaber colorIf you choose not to speak to Atton Rand about your lightsaber after Peragus, the plot of the game chooses your old color for you.
Recommended lightsaber formUse the Juan Lightsaber Form to do many punches and kicks while being vulnerable to Force powers.
Battle PrecognitionTalk to the Handmaiden and ask her to teach you some fighting moves. Do this when you are on the Ebon Hawk. After defeating her, tell her that she seems to be predicting your moves. She will tell you about how the Echani generals could predict the outcomes of battles. Then, ask her how you would be able to do that. After that, you will gain the Light side power Battle Precognition, which allows you to add your Wisdom modifier to your Defense when you are not wearing armor. Note: You must be a male character in order to do this. Female characters will meet the Disciple instead of the Handmaiden.
Force PersuasionIf your Force Persuasion is fully aligned with the Light side, you will get a +3 to your Wisdom bonus, depending on your class type. If it is fully aligned with the Dark side, you will get a +3 to your Strength bonus. Additionally, the bonuses regarding your Force alignment is dependent on your class type. For example, use a Sentinel and the bonus is a Constitution +3. Also, use a Jedi Consular to get Darkside Mastery +50FP.
Force ScreamA very good Force power that has seems to work well on a large scale of enemies is Force Scream and all its other stages. It is especially useful when you are at level 10 to 14, because your enemies are usually weak around that stage of the game, and this power is strong. On Telos, when you fight the mercenaries that protect the Czerka satellite, three or four Force screams (or its other stages) will most likely kill one group at a time.
Force SightTalk to Visas about everything except for how she and her people can see through the Force. After you have built up enough influence, save the game and ask her about the way her people see with the Force. If you have gained enough influence, you will gain the Force Sight power. If not, reload your last saved game and keep trying to gain more influence before trying again.
Grey alignmentDo not be a 'Grey' Jedi. Leaving your connection to the Force in the neutral area is not cost effective for gaining Force powers. The higher you are to the Light, the better the chance of getting two points to use instead of one. This also works with the Dark side. Jedi Masters also learn powers faster than the Watchmen or Bladesmaster.
Influence chancesMake sure to have just these characters with you when you want influence with them. Also, make sure that you get the correct influence you want. Either have all influence gain or all influence loss; not both.
Atton: Reply that Atton had a good idea or something to that degree when you are on the Harbinger to get an influence gain. Kill random people with just Atton in your party (for example, Lootra on Nar Shadaa, the person who stops you on Telos when you break into his apartment). Note: You will get a lot of Dark side points for this.
Bao Dur: Help the spy at the cantina on Onderon.
Bao Dur: Help the Mandalorian Kumas in the Missing Mandalorian quest.
Bao Dur: Help the person on Nar Shadaa being hounded for money by the two thugs next to the red door.
GO-TO: Works the same as HK, however say that you like his skills for a gain or do not like them for a loss.
Handmaiden: Duel her three times to get all the influence needed. After you duel her for the first time, return each time you level up to see if you can duel her again.
HK-47: Light side remarks give you loss, while Dark gives you gain. Also use the Mind Trick on the guard at Onderan spaceport with HK in your party to get a gain.
Kreia: When Kreia scolds you for certain things, say that you agree with her reasoning and you will get an influence gain. You usually get influence gains with Dark side remarks to Kreia and influence loss with Light side remarks.
Mandalore: Kill Akkerre on Dantooine for an influence gain.
Mira: Help or kill the Sullustan Akkere on Dantooine.
T3-M4: Same as Visas. Light side for gain, Dark side for loss.
Visas: Light side remarks to Visas usually get you influence gains while Dark side remarks give you a loss.
If you get stuck trying to defeat a large group of enemies or one very difficult enemy, look around your environment for something to hide behind. The enemies are only aggressive if they can see you, and it is very easy to exploit this 'line of sight' issue. You can lure one enemy at a time around a corner until the pack is destroyed, and even better, if you inch around a bend correctly, you can have an enemy targeted without them becoming aggressive. This makes it easy to defeat them with a ranged attack, such as a blaster, lightsaber throw, or grenades. This even makes Kreia's defeat possible without having to concern yourself with the three floating lightsabers. Just run from the sabers until you are around a pillar. With Kreia in sight, she will not attack you with the floating lightsabers around, and she can be easily finished off with some lightsaber throws.
Defeating BossesIf you are having problems defeating a Boss, simply enter the 'Gameplay' settings and lower the difficulty to 'Easy' for the duration of the battle. Additionally, get a large number of mines. This works best if only one character is alive. Exit combat-mode and make the enemy follow you. Get a good distance away and set a mine (frag or plasma), then run away. The enemy should run through the mine. Keep repeating this until the enemy is dead.
If you are in a tough fight, as when Atton fights the Twin Suns or the last fight with Kriea, it helps a lot to run away a short distance and plant a mine. Do this as many times as needed; you can always make more mines at a lab station.
Defeating MandaloriansUse the following trick when battling the Mandalorians at their camp in their battle circle: The rules are that no Force powers, stimulants, or other items can be used inside the circle. However, if you boost your character with stimulants before you talk to the sergeant you will still have their benefits when you enter the circle. This will make winning easier.
Defeating Master VrookIf you go to the Dark side, you will have to face Master Vrook in a one-on-one duel. Master Vrook is a difficult opponent. Have the Force Focus power active (the little purple sphere). Keep hitting him with Force Lightning. Once you get him low enough, Kreia will interrupt and give you a new Force form. It looks like another purple sphere, but absorbs the Force from the opponent. When you continue, Vrook will try to heal himself (you should also do this). Make sure the new ability is active and use Plague on him. With it is 100% chance of hitting, it is really the only thing that works. However, every time you get him with that, he will try to heal the poison. Keep alternating Plague and Force Lightning. He will run out of Force and start attacking again. Keep nailing him with Force Lightning, and when he has only a quarter of his strength remaining, he will collapse and will have won. Additionally, when the battle first begins, instead of attacking head-on, run around the trees until he no longer follows. Then, go to where the battle began and lay down all of your mines in one spot, directly on top of each other, Make Vrook follow you through the mines. The mines will explode on him, but not you.
Defeating SionTry using Flurry. It does a great amount of damage to him. Also try other attacks as well. Force Body will help you greatly. Make sure your Force bar is up before attempting this. When you do the next four to six Force attacks, it will do almost nothing to your Force bar. Force Heal is a great move to use at this time, along with Force Immunity or Force Storm. Make sure you have lots of some type of healing, such as the Survival Pack, Advance Medpack, or Medpack. You must kill Sion three or four times before he actually dies. Additionally, run away from Sion and hide behind a pillar to make the target on Sion disappear. When this happens, Sion will not run after you. Instead of fighting him head on, walk away from the pillar, where he will not see you, and place as many mines as possible (preferably not gas mines). Then, let Sion see you and lead him to the mines. If it does not kill him, keep using Force Storm. He will regain all his health a few times. Repeat this process until Sion is dead.
To kill Sion on Malachor as a Dark Jedi, constantly use the Choke Force power that you are given when you get Dark Side Mastery. He cannot resist this, and it is immensely powerful. It is boring, but it gets the job done.
Jedi Master Robe on DantooineSave Koohda but kill the Jedi Master. He will have a Jedi Master Robe on his corpse.
Computer code on DxunWhen called back to Dxun by the Mandalore, you are given two missions. The main character Jedi goes to the capitol, but first with a cast member of your choice you will do a mission in the Dxun jungle. In the structure, there are two ancient computers in different locations that open big locked boxes with crystals in them. The first computer code is this string of numbers: (6*2)-8+9/1=13. On the second computer, the answer is: C.
Easy experience on KorribanPlay as a Light side Jedi. Your Force bar replenishes very slowly when cofmpared when playing on the Dark side. Equip the Sith mask, a Jedi Knight robe and the crystal in your lightsaber that helps regenerate Force points. Even with all three items, your Force will return slowly. Before you enter the hidden cave, make sure that you have the Drain Force power maxed out. Use Force Affinity, Force Storm, Force Storm, Drain Life (third tier) and in the next battle, Force Affinity, Drain Force, Force Storm, Force Storm then Drain Life. When you do use Drain Force in this manner, you will get Force points back (more if you are fighting about ten to twelve Hssiss).
When inspecting the dead Jedi body, to gain more experience faster and easier, make sure you have the Master Force Scream. It does massive damage all around you. This is useful if you plan to fight multiple Hssiss, as it has an area affect of virtually the entire room. You can inspect the body ten or more times and use the Force Scream for all the Hssiss around you. It usually takes about five or six uses, depending on how many there are. Also, if you have Death Field and Force Lightning Storm, it helps. If you are low on health, using the Death Field one time replenishes all your health. Also, having a high Wisdom and Regenerate Force Points are helpful.
Silver crystal on KorribanWhen you get to Korriban, you will be told by Kreia not to take items from the old corpses. If you want a silver crystal, search for it in the corpses. However, be prepared to fight. There are enemies that will attack after you open the first corpse.
Infinite life on Korriban in Lost TombWhen your fighting the Hssisses to gain experience, make sure that you have equipment on that will allow regeneration of you vitality points (masks, implants, robes, underlays for the robes, etc.). Once you have all of these equipped, you will be able to fight the Hssisses without dying, even if your life points reach 0. Note: This trick only works here and nowhere else in the game.
Darth Sion on your side on Malachor VWhen on Malachor V, you will fight Darth Sion. Before this, get the power Force Confusion to the highest level. Use it on him as soon as the battle pauses and says enemy sighted. Use it, and he should be on your side. This will wear off, but is a very funny trick.
Defeating Kreia on Malachor VOnce you have started the battle with Kreia, run down the platform behind you. Run away from her until she stops chasing you. Once she stops lay as many mines as you have (thirty or forty recommended) in the same location. Run to where she starts chasing you again and lure her over the mines. If done correctly, her health should be almost gone. She will probably try to use Death Field on you. Use Flurry on her and she will die. Once the lightsabers appear, do the same thing but do not lay mines. Lure the sabers away from each other and attack them separately. Additionally, when you are on the Dark side, you can get a power called Force Crush. When you are fighting her, keep using that Force power. It does about 75 damage each time you use it. She might use Death Field on you sometimes, but it will not kill you. You can also use it on the floating lightsabers.
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Make Atton a Jedi on Nar ShaddaaOn Nar Shaddaa, there is an intermission sequence in the refugee sector (near the center) where a blue Twi'lek offers you information about Atton for a small price (about 20 to 25 credits). Pay him, and he will say that he has seen Atton on Nar Shaddaa, and that he is not who he says he is. Talk to Atton about this and keep going on through the conversation. Keep selecting the Light side type answers, which are usually at the top. If you have enough influence with Atton, you will eventually reach a story about a female Jedi who opened his mind to the Force. Closely afterwards, you will go into something about opening Atton's mind to the Force and go into a series of conversation choices where there is only one choice, and Atton will not say anything in between. After completing this, the game will state that Atton is now a Jedi Sentinel. He will level up, making Force powers now available to him.
Sleeping Kath Hounds on Nar ShaddaaUse the following trick to put Vogga's hounds to sleep easily. In the Nar Shaddaa Dock Apartments are two aliens in one room that keep saying 'If you thought you could sneak up on us you were wrong'. This is because they are talking about something they do not want you to hear. Use a party character skilled in Stealth, like Atton. Sneak in the room and they will have a conversation about putting Vogga's hounds to sleep using Juma Juice from the cantina. Go to the cantina and buy Juma Juice from the bartender. Then, go back to Vogga's place. Put the Juma Juice in the 'urn' in the corner. The hounds will drink away and fall asleep. Then, put Vogga to sleep by getting Handmaiden or Mira to dance for Vogga by talking to the Twi'lek in the same cantina where the Juma Juice was obtained. Vogga will watch the dance and fall asleep. You now can go into Vogga's treasure room without anyone knowing.
Fuel for Telos on Nar ShaddaaAfter Peragus is destroyed, Telos has no supply of fuel. On Nar Shaddaa, once you find Vanda the Hutt, ask him what he wants for Goto. You can tell him 'Supply Telos with fuel'. Because he runs a fuel company, he will supply you with it. The problem is you must get Goto for him. Later, Goto will end up in your party.
Silver lightsaber crystal on Nar ShaddaaYou can buy a silver saber lightsaber crystal from Geeda on Nar Shaddaa. Note: You may have to make the other merchant leave Nar Shaddaa to do this.
Lightsaber lens on Nar ShaddaaTo get the third lightsaber part needed (the lens), go to the catina and buy Juma Juice. Then, add Handmaiden to your party and talk to the Twi'lek in the back of the Catina. He will make Handmaiden dance for Vogga. Then, put the Juma Juice in the 'urn' in the corner of the room so that the Kath hounds fall asleep. Vogga will fall also asleep while watching Handmaiden dance. Then, open the door behind you and go to the first metal box to your left. You will get a lens. Talk to Bao-Dur and he will make it for you.
Getting out of the ghetto on Nar ShaddaaTo get out of the downtown or 'ghetto' part of Nar Shaddaa, you must do one simple thing. Talk to the Twi'lek girl in the Swoop gallery. She will bring up that she has the codes for C9-T9's cage. Next, you must persuade her to tell you more. Finally, persuade her to give you the codes to the cage so you can destroy the bot. Once at the computer, enter the prompt '[Computer] Overload droid'. It will overload and be destroyed. Finally, the man at the counter will ask you what happened. Just say something or use Force Control and say 'You saw nothing'. He will tell his boss the very same thing. After that happens, you will get a Holocron and be invited to the Jekk'Jekk' Tar. Be prepared. This is also how you get Mira to join your party, and meet the Jedi Master of the planet.
Opening the last locked door on Nar ShaddaaWhen your T3 droid is sold to the Hutts, you will reach the last door in the Warehouse Area. It is a combination lock. Use the following combination to unlock it. 1. Center: Counterclockwise. 2. Left: Counterclockwise. 3. Right: Clockwise). After you get what you need out of this room, you will be confronted by HK droids again. They are not that difficult -- stay and fight. You will find the HK chassis for your HK droid.
Palace northern storage room on OnderonThe combination for the lock is: 1) 66, 2) 45, 3) 39. It seemed more like a bedroom than a storage room.
Lose Starport Visa without payment on OnderonWhen on Onderon, you will get a Starport Visa from a Twi'lek bounty hunter. You can get this wiped for 500 credits by a Twi'lek in the cantina. If you go to the human woman in the cantina by the name of Sakare, she will offer you money, a weapon, or a crystal for the wiped Starport Visa. If you select 'I'll be going now' instead of choosing payment, you will give her the visa and have no chance for payment.
Sith Master Temple battle on OnderonDuring the mission where your main character is sent to Onderon to assist the queen, a character of your choosing is sent to do a mission at the same time. During the first mission, with the characters of your choosing, you must go through the jungle and reach a Sith temple and clear it out. After you have progressed through the temple, near the end should be three Sith Masters or Lords waiting in front of a large electrical orb hanging from the ceiling. They are very difficult from the rest of the forces you have encountered. If your entire party enters combat, you will not be able to move about the rest of the temple and will be trapped in the last area with them. Because they are difficult, this is very bad for you as they are not easy to take down. To have an easier time with them, enter solo mode and send one character down to attack. A blaster or melee weapon is fine. Get their attention and draw them out as far as you can. If the character dies, take the next one and shoot at them from a distance to get them out of the area and into the previous part of the base you just cleared out. Then, cancel solo mode. Try to get one of them to chase you. Go near one of the areas where you had to open an ancient box. The ancient control panel should be circular, and if you get the Sith to circle it a few times while chasing you, both you and him should get further apart. You can now turn to shoot with Rapid Shot or Sniper Shot while he is trying to get near you again. When you turn to fight, your allies should be up and have low health. You can restore them if desired. Take the opportunity to shoot at the single Sith if your teammate has it occupied. If he does not, simply run around the structure again until the distance is acceptable and blast him again until he is defeated. Having Mandalore is advisable, because he is a master with blasters and this makes it easier to defeat the Sith. After he dies, get another Sith to follow you. Repeat this process until all of them die. By doing this, you or your party can gang up on one Sith. With a three versus one battle (if your party is up), even though the Sith is stronger, he should be thoroughly outmatched. If your party does not divert the Sith's attention, you can still runabout the circle-like panel and take the time now and again to shoot him until he dies. This is much better then going into the room, being sealed in, and having your party massacred. Also, you can set the game play setting to easy in the menu. Doing these things should make your opponents mere nuisances. After this, return to the tomb area, ask the Madalorian to explore the area, open the tomb, and take the items (which includes Freedon Nadd's short lightsaber). Then, ask the Mandolorian to leave. You will then be returned to your main character for the second mission.
Battle circle on OnderonWhen you travel to Onderon, you will be forced to land on Dxun. Once you make your way through the jungle, you will find the Mandalorian camp. Search around and you will find the battle circle. Talk to one of the Mandalorinas there to enter it. They will brief you on the rules. Once you win all the battles you can, you will be told that if you want to battle again you must find a Mandalorian willing to sponsor you. Make your way back to the jungle and you will find the Mandalorian willing to sponsor you. He is in a tunnel that has different routes to take and he is red. Do his mission and he will then sponsor you. Ironically, this is the Mandalorian you will fight. So when you fight him, you get to use all your weapons. Break any rule and you will be told that you cheated. However, the Mandalorian will still fight you. Now your party mambers will join in, and you can take him out together. After you defeat him, the Mandalorian that told you that cheated earlier now says you won. Note: You can do this with all the characters. Also, you only get two warnings if you break their rules. If you do it a third time you will be disqualified and not be able to participate at all in the battle circle throughout your game.
Defeating mining robots on PeragusOn Peragus, you will have to deal with a lot of out of control mining robots in several areas. An easy way to defeat them is with the Plasma Tourch. It has a low damage rate against normal enemies, but its fine against robots, locked containers, locked doors, and even busted doors. Make sure you also keep this weapon and never sell it, as it will be useful in many areas of the game. Also, you will not get many credits for selling it.
Lost bomb on The RavangerWhen you are onboard the Ravanger, one mission will involve planting bombs in four different areas of the ship. At the end when you get to the fourth one, a screen with Kex will appear. He will be upset and say 'We have failed, we have lost the last bomb'. Knowing that, you have to either must find or make a new one. To find the bomb, go to the weapon hold where all the torpedoes are located. Inside will be security terminal. This will allow you to open the hatch of a torpedo and get the bomb that is inside. Later, return to the last destination and place it. You must then run out whichever way you came and escape while the Ravanger explodes.
Easy experience on TelosAt the Exchange door is a Rodian guard. If you choose to kill him, you will get Dark side points and experience. Kill him, get a journal entry, then go back. He should be there again. Kill him and you will get no Dark side points but some experience points. This will happen at least two to four times.
Distraction and kill on TelosWhen you crash land on the surface of Telos, you will encounter a lot of people in a small section of an area with buildings. An easy way to kill everyone is to make sure your party is behind you as you fight an enemy. When it gets to you and one other person, your party will just let you go one-on-one with the person while they fire at some other group. Make sure you take a slightly longer than needed to fight this person. Then, when you are done, attack the group that your party was firing at. Once you do this, your party usually is all dead except for you. You will have to fight what remains of the group solo. Normally, Atton Rand gets up with a low amount of health and starts shooting at another enemy. Once you are done with the group you are fighting at the moment, go to the one that Atton is shooting at. Keep repeating this process.
Gaining shields from Bao-Dur on TelosWhile on Telos with Bao-dur, find a container and put any shields that you have inside it. Begin a conversation with Bao-Dur. Ask him to make shields for you. Keep asking him to do so until he will not make anymore. Put them in the container. Repeat this until you feel you have enough, then take all your shields from the container and move on. This is useful for extra credits and components. Note: Any time you return to Citadel Station and Bao-Dur is in your party, he will make shields for you, even after you have constructed your lightsaber.
Defeating the Handmaidens on TelosWhen dueling the Handmaidens on Telos, you can use Force Whirlwind to defeat them. For some reason it does not stop the fight.
Opening doors on Telos - Military BaseTo open the doors on Telos, first get the codes to the ship. They are found in a cache near some dead robots. Go to the small white building on the right after you find the codes. There will be a computer terminal. Use the command: [Computer] Unlock Bay Door. After you open the doors, you must fight a giant robot. To defeat the robot, use the Plasma Torch while it is distracted by your party members. Make sure you use a lot of Medpacks on yourself. If you believe your character is going to die, switch the weapon to someone else in your party. Another way to defeat the robot is to throw frag or any grenades at it first, then use a double bladed sword while its back is turned. This may take several strikes of three to eight.
Defeating the giant battle droid on Telos - Military BaseTo defeat the droid inside the shuttle bay, place mines in front of the huge bay doors. At least ten are recommended. Keep placing them in a diagonal path heading counter-clockwise to the shuttle. If it survives your mines after it comes out of its room, it will be heavily damaged and can be easily defeated.
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Cheat CodesKotor 2 Best Headgear For Women
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 'swkotor2.ini' file in the game folder. Scroll to the 'GAME OPTIONS' section and add the following line:
- EnableCheats=1
Save the file and start the game. While playing the game, press ~, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: A console window will not appear. Press [Tab] to list all console commands.
Result | Cheat Code |
Invincibility | invulnerability |
Heal selected character's health and Force points | heal |
100 Med Kits | givemed |
100 Advance Repair Kits | giverepair |
100 Armor | givesitharmour |
100 Computer Spikes | givecomspikes |
100 Section Spikes | givesecspikes |
All limited use items never expire | infiniteuses |
Add experience | addexp [number] |
Add indicated number of levels | addlevel [number] |
Add Light side points | addlightside [number] |
Add Dark side points | adddarkside [number] |
Get additional credits | givecredits [number] |
Show exact location on map | whereami |
Travel to indicated map | warp [map name] |
Press M to show entire map | revealmap |
Set 'Computer Use' skill | setcomputeruse[1-99] |
Set 'Demolitions' skill | setdemolitions[1-99] |
Set 'Stealth' skill | setstealth[1-99] |
Set 'Awareness' skill | setawareness[1-99] |
Set 'Persuade' skill | setpersuade[1-99] |
Set 'Repair' skill | setrepair[1-99] |
Set 'Security' skill | setsecurity[1-99] |
Set 'Treat Injury' skill | settreatinjury[1-99] |
Set 'Strength' attribute | setstrength[1-99] |
Set 'Dexterity' attribute | setdexterity[1-99] |
Set 'Construction' attribute | setconstitution[1-99] |
Set 'Intelligence' attribute | setintelligence[1-99] |
Set 'Wisdom' attribute | setwisdom[1-99] |
Set 'Charisma' attribute | setcharisma[1-99] |
Press W or S to move faster; repeat to disable | turbo |
Restart mini-games, if you lose | restartminigame |
Turn darkness into brightness | bright |
Spawn indicated item | giveitem [item name] |
Use one of the following values with the 'giveitem [item name]' code:
Item | Code |
Safety Harness | 100_belt01 |
Telos Mining Shield | 100_fore01 |
Survey Gear | 100_mask01 |
?'s Armband | a_band_c01 |
Nomi's Armband | a_band_x01 |
Vao Armband | a_band_x02 |
Ludo Kressh's Armband | a_band_x03 |
Adrenaline Amplifier | a_belt_01 |
Cardio-Regulator | a_belt_02 |
Stealth Field Generator | a_belt_03 |
Czerka Utility Belt | a_belt_04 |
Advanced Adrenaline Amplifier | a_belt_05 |
Aratech SD Belt | a_belt_06 |
Strength Enhancer | a_belt_07 |
Systech Cardio-Regulator | a_belt_08 |
Hyper Adrenaline Amplifier | a_belt_09 |
Exchange Shadow Caster | a_belt_10 |
Inertial Inhibitor | a_belt_11 |
Electrical Capacitance Shield | a_belt_12 |
Thermal Shield Generator | a_belt_13 |
Eriadu Stealth Unit | a_belt_14 |
CNS Strength Enhancer | a_belt_15 |
Exchange Utility Belt | a_belt_16 |
Immunity Belt | a_belt_17 |
Adrenaline Stimulator | a_belt_18 |
Nerve Amplifier Belt | a_belt_19 |
Jal Shey Belt | a_belt_20 |
Multishield Generator | a_belt_21 |
Defel Mimicker | a_belt_22 |
Frozian Scout Belt | a_belt_23 |
Tech Specialist Belt | a_belt_24 |
Aratech Cardio-Regulator | a_belt_25 |
GNS Strength Enhancer | a_belt_26 |
Qel-Droma Belt | a_belt_27 |
Immortality Belt | a_belt_28 |
Aratech Echo Belt | a_belt_29 |
Jal Shey Mentor Belt | a_belt_30 |
Insulated Gloves | a_gloves_01 |
Exchange Casual Gloves | a_gloves_02 |
Taris Survival Gloves | a_gloves_04 |
Accuracy Gloves | a_gloves_05 |
Gamorrean Gauntlets | a_gloves_06 |
Exchange Work Gloves | a_gloves_07 |
Czerka Defensive Gauntlets | a_gloves_08 |
Detonator Gloves | a_gloves_09 |
Unarmed Accuracy Gloves | a_gloves_10 |
Infiltrator Gloves | a_gloves_11 |
Jal Shey Perception Gloves | a_gloves_12 |
Gamorrean Wargloves | a_gloves_13 |
Eriadu Strength Amplifier | a_gloves_14 |
Karakan Gauntlets | a_gloves_15 |
Bothan Precision Gloves | a_gloves_16 |
Sith Power Gauntlets | a_gloves_17 |
Gamorrean Power Gauntlets | a_gloves_18 |
Nagai Combat Gloves | a_gloves_19 |
Kubaz Scoundrel Gloves | a_gloves_20 |
Automation Gloves | a_gloves_21 |
Jal Shey Meditation Gloves | a_gloves_22 |
Echani Accuracy Gloves | a_gloves_23 |
Zeison Sha Gloves | a_gloves_24 |
Dominator Gauntlets | a_gloves_25 |
Nikto Soldier Gloves | a_gloves_26 |
Ossluk's Gloves | a_gloves_27 |
Disruption Gloves | a_gloves_28 |
Improved Automation Gloves | a_gloves_29 |
Lightning Gloves | a_gloves_30 |
Battle Armor | a_heavy_01 |
Heavy Battle Armor | a_heavy_02 |
Echani Heavy Armor | a_heavy_03 |
Durasteel Heavy Armor | a_heavy_04 |
Powered Battle Armor | a_heavy_05 |
Flex Heavy Armor | a_heavy_06 |
Mandalorian Battle Armor | a_heavy_07 |
Mandalorian Heavy Armor | a_heavy_08 |
Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh | a_heavy_09 |
Mandalorian Assault Armor | a_heavy_10 |
Corellian Powersuit | a_heavy_11 |
M'uhk'gfa | a_heavy_12 |
Iotran Braceman Armor | a_heavy_13 |
Felenar Armor | a_heavy_14 |
Matrix Armor | a_heavy_15 |
Mandalore's Armor | a_heavy_x01 |
Neural Band | a_helmet_01 |
Breath Mask | a_helmet_02 |
Rakatan Band | a_helmet_03 |
Stealth Field Enhancer | a_helmet_04 |
Bothan Perception Visor | a_helmet_05 |
Sonic Nullifiers | a_helmet_06 |
Interface Band | a_helmet_07 |
Targeting Visor | a_helmet_08 |
Shielding Visor | a_helmet_09 |
Spacer's Sensor | a_helmet_10 |
Regal Visor | a_helmet_11 |
Meditation Band | a_helmet_12 |
Bothan Sensory Visor | a_helmet_13 |
Arkanian Blinders | a_helmet_14 |
Combat Sensor | a_helmet_15 |
Multi-spectral Target Assessor | a_helmet_16 |
Consciousness Helm | a_helmet_17 |
Rebreather Mask | a_helmet_18 |
Das'skar Hunting Mask | a_helmet_19 |
Force Mask | a_helmet_20 |
Sith Mask | a_helmet_21 |
Stabilizer Mask | a_helmet_22 |
Matukai Meditation Band | a_helmet_23 |
Target Assessor | a_helmet_24 |
Circlet of Saresh | a_helmet_25 |
Bindo's Band | a_helmet_26 |
Enchanced Shielding Visor | a_helmet_27 |
Force Shield | a_helmet_28 |
Absorption Visor | a_helmet_29 |
Force Focusing Visor | a_helmet_30 |
Khoonda Militia Armor | a_khoonda |
Light Combat Suit | a_light_01 |
Combat Suit | a_light_02 |
Heavy Combat Suit | a_light_03 |
Mandalorian Combat Suit | a_light_04 |
Zabrak Combat Suit | a_light_05 |
Bonadan Alloy Heavy Suit | a_light_06 |
Echani Light Armor | a_light_07 |
Massassi Ceremonial Armor | a_light_08 |
Mandalorian Heavy Suit | a_light_09 |
Zabrak Battle Armor | a_light_10 |
Ubese Environmental Suit | a_light_11 |
Echani Shield Suit | a_light_12 |
Reinforced Fiber Armor | a_light_13 |
Zabrak Field Armor | a_light_14 |
Ulic Qel Droma's Mesh Suit | a_light_15 |
Atton's Ribbed Jacket | a_light_x02 |
Electromesh Suit | a_light_x08 |
Mira's Ballistic Mesh Jacket | a_light_x09 |
Military Suit | a_medium_01 |
Light Battle Armor | a_medium_02 |
Echani Battle Armor | a_medium_03 |
Cinnagar War Suit | a_medium_04 |
Sith Battle Suit | a_medium_05 |
Bronzium Light Battle Armor | a_medium_06 |
Verpine Fiber Mesh | a_medium_07 |
Krath Heavy Armor | a_medium_08 |
Powered Light Battle Armor | a_medium_09 |
Krath Holy Battle Suit | a_medium_10 |
Exar Kun's Light Battle Suit | a_medium_11 |
Heavy Cinnagar War Suit | a_medium_12 |
Verpine Fiber Ultramesh | a_medium_13 |
Electromesh Armor | a_medium_14 |
Jamoh Hogra's Battle Armor | a_medium_15 |
Clothing | a_robe_01 |
Padawan Robe | a_robe_02 |
Dark Padawan Robe | a_robe_03 |
Baran Do Novice Robe | a_robe_04 |
Matukai Apprentice Robe | a_robe_05 |
Zeison Sha Initiate Armor | a_robe_06 |
Jal Shey Neophyte Armor | a_robe_07 |
Jedi Robe | a_robe_08 |
Dark Jedi Robe | a_robe_09 |
Norris Robe | a_robe_10 |
Jal Shey Advisor Armor | a_robe_11 |
Gray Jedi Robe | a_robe_12 |
Jedi Knight Robe | a_robe_13 |
Dark Jedi Knight Robe | a_robe_14 |
Matukai Adept Robe | a_robe_15 |
Zeison Sha Warrior Armor | a_robe_16 |
Jedi Master Robe | a_robe_17 |
Dark Jedi Master Robe | a_robe_18 |
Baran Do Sage Robe | a_robe_19 |
Jal Shey Mentor Armor | a_robe_20 |
Ossus Keeper Robe | a_robe_21 |
Natth Cowling | a_robe_22 |
Arca Jeth's Robe | a_robe_23 |
Aleema Keto's Robe | a_robe_24 |
Sylvar's Robe | a_robe_25 |
Darth Malak's Armor | a_robe_26 |
Jolee's Robe | a_robe_27 |
Thon's Robe | a_robe_28 |
Crado's Robe | a_robe_29 |
Nomi's Robe | a_robe_30 |
Handmaiden's Robe | a_robe_x01 |
Energy Shield | a_shield_01 |
Mandalorian Melee Shield | a_shield_02 |
Arkanian Energy Shield | a_shield_03 |
Echani Shield | a_shield_04 |
Mandalorian Power Shield | a_shield_05 |
Echani Dueling Shield | a_shield_06 |
Verpine Prototype Shield | a_shield_07 |
Broken Item | brokenitem |
Chemicals | chem_00001 |
Comlink | comlink |
Components | compont_00001 |
Droid Impact Armor Mark I | d_armor_01 |
Droid Modular Plating Mark I | d_armor_02 |
Droid Impact Armor Mark II | d_armor_03 |
Droid Desh Plating | d_armor_04 |
Droid Impact Armor Mark III | d_armor_05 |
Droid Modular Plating Mark II | d_armor_06 |
Droid Modular Plating Mark III | d_armor_07 |
Droid Agrinium Armor | d_armor_08 |
Droid Dura Plating Mark I | d_armor_09 |
Droid Quadranium Armor | d_armor_10 |
Droid Dura Plating Mark II | d_armor_11 |
Droid Diatium Plating | d_armor_12 |
Droid Energized Armor Mark I | d_armor_13 |
Droid Energized Armor Mark II | d_armor_14 |
Droid Energized Armor Mark III | d_armor_15 |
Droid Neural Pacifier | d_device_01 |
Droid Repulsor | d_device_02 |
Droid Flame Thrower | d_device_03 |
Droid Toxin Emitter | d_device_04 |
Droid Neural Scrambler | d_device_05 |
Droid Ion Striker | d_device_06 |
Droid Molten Cannon | d_device_07 |
Droid Carbonite Projector | d_device_08 |
Droid Plasma Thrower | d_device_09 |
Droid Bio-Assault Spray | d_device_10 |
Droid Carbonite Emitter | d_device_11 |
Droid Ion Blast Mark I | d_device_12 |
Droid Ion Blast Mark II | d_device_13 |
Droid Ion Blast Mark III | d_device_14 |
Droid Multi-spectral Emitter | d_device_15 |
Droid Stealth Booster | d_g0t0_01 |
Droid Omniscience Unit | d_g0t0_02 |
Droid Singulararity Projector | d_g0t0_03 |
Goto Targeting Module | d_g0t0_04 |
Droid Assasin's Rifle | d_hk47_01 |
Droid Capacitor Armor | d_hk47_02 |
Droid Assassination Module | d_hk47_03 |
Droid Optimized Interface | d_interface_01 |
Droid Stabilization Subroutine | d_interface_02 |
Droid Machine Interface | d_interface_03 |
Droid Lockout Bypass | d_interface_04 |
Droid Parabolic Guides | d_interface_05 |
Droid Motivator Booster | d_interface_06 |
Droid Durability Upgrade | d_interface_07 |
Droid Agility Upgrade | d_interface_08 |
Droid Wisdom Upgrade | d_interface_09 |
Droid Exchange Interface | d_interface_10 |
Droid Remote Interface | d_interface_11 |
Droid Anatomy Library | d_interface_12 |
Droid Scavenger Upgrade | d_interface_13 |
Droid Source Ripper | d_interface_14 |
Droid Systems Upgrade | d_interface_15 |
Droid Deflector Mark I | d_shield_01 |
Droid Deflector Mark II | d_shield_02 |
Droid Defense Barrier | d_shield_03 |
Droid Energy Collector | d_shield_04 |
Droid Deflector Mark III | d_shield_05 |
Droid Unity Grid | d_shield_06 |
Droid Shock Arm | d_t3m4_01 |
Droid Self-Sustaining Unit | d_t3m4_02 |
Droid Renewable Shield | d_t3m4_03 |
Droid Motion Tracker | d_tool_01 |
Droid Upgrade Slot | d_tool_02 |
Droid Surveillance Upgrade | d_tool_03 |
Droid Advanced Upgrade Slot | d_tool_04 |
Droid Reference Database | d_tool_05 |
Droid System Fortification | d_tool_06 |
Droid Fighting Upgrade | d_tool_07 |
Droid Perception Sensors | d_tool_08 |
Droid Memory Upgrade | d_tool_09 |
Droid Warfare Upgrade | d_tool_10 |
Droid Battle Upgrade | d_tool_11 |
Droid CERS | d_tool_12 |
Droid CESS | d_tool_13 |
Droid CEPB | d_tool_14 |
Droid Micro-Optics | d_tool_15 |
Reflex Package | e_imp1_01 |
Pheromone Package | e_imp1_02 |
Cardio Package | e_imp1_03 |
Strength Package | e_imp1_04 |
Response Package | e_imp1_05 |
Fitness Package | e_imp1_06 |
Skills Package | e_imp1_07 |
Health Package | e_imp1_08 |
Physical Boost Package | e_imp1_09 |
Mental Boost Package | e_imp1_10 |
Retinal Combat Implant | e_imp2_01 |
Lornan Implant | e_imp2_02 |
Biotech Implant | e_imp2_03 |
Power Implant | e_imp2_04 |
Alacrity Implant | e_imp2_05 |
Insight Implant | e_imp2_06 |
Skills Implant | e_imp2_07 |
Durability Implant | e_imp2_08 |
Physical Boost Implant | e_imp2_09 |
Mental Boost Implant | e_imp2_10 |
Bio-Antidote System | e_imp3_01 |
Nerve Enhancement System | e_imp3_02 |
Reaction System | e_imp3_03 |
Advanced Combat System | e_imp3_04 |
Bavakar Strength System | e_imp3_05 |
Cardio Power System | e_imp3_06 |
Skills System | e_imp3_07 |
Numbness System | e_imp3_08 |
Physical Boost System | e_imp3_09 |
Mental Boost System | e_imp3_10 |
Strength D-Package | e_imp4_01 |
Immunity D-Package | e_imp4_02 |
Perception D-Package | e_imp4_03 |
Enhancement D-Package | e_imp4_04 |
Immortality D-Package | e_imp4_05 |
Quickness D-Package | e_imp4_06 |
Skills D-Package | e_imp4_07 |
Universal D-Package | e_imp4_08 |
Physical Boost D-Package | e_imp4_09 |
Mental Boost D-Package | e_imp4_10 |
Armored Flight Suit | g_a_armrdfsuit |
Clothing | g_a_clothes01 |
Clothing Variant 09 | g_a_clothes010 |
Clothing Variant Czerka | g_a_clothes011 |
Clothing Variant 11 | g_a_clothes012 |
Clothing Variant 02 | g_a_clothes02 |
Clothing Variant 03 | g_a_clothes03 |
Clothing Variant 04 | g_a_clothes04 |
Clothing Variant 05 | g_a_clothes05 |
Clothing Variant 06 | g_a_clothes06 |
Clothing Variant 01 | g_a_clothes07 |
Clothing Variant 07 | g_a_clothes08 |
Clothing Variant 08 | g_a_clothes09 |
Blowtorch | g_d_blowtrch01 |
Advanced Blowtorch | g_d_blowtrch02 |
Fire Suppression System | g_d_firesupres01 |
Dancer's Outfit | g_danceroutfit |
Adrenal Strength | g_i_adrnaline001 |
Adrenal Alacrity | g_i_adrnaline002 |
Adrenal Stamina | g_i_adrnaline003 |
Hyper-adrenal Strength | g_i_adrnaline004 |
Hyper-adrenal Alacrity | g_i_adrnaline005 |
Hyper-adrenal Stamina | g_i_adrnaline006 |
Aesthetic Item | g_i_asthitem001 |
Bith Guitar | g_i_bithitem001 |
Bith Clarinet | g_i_bithitem002 |
Bith Trombone | g_i_bithitem003 |
Bith Accordian | g_i_bithitem004 |
Battle Stimulant | g_i_cmbtshot001 |
Hyper-battle Stimulant | g_i_cmbtshot002 |
Echani Battle Stimulant | g_i_cmbtshot003 |
Credits | g_i_credits001 |
Credits | g_i_credits002 |
Credits | g_i_credits003 |
Credits | g_i_credits004 |
Credits | g_i_credits005 |
Credits | g_i_credits006 |
Credits | g_i_credits007 |
Credits | g_i_credits008 |
Credits | g_i_credits009 |
Credits | g_i_credits010 |
Credits | g_i_credits011 |
Credits | g_i_credits012 |
Credits | g_i_credits013 |
Credits | g_i_credits014 |
Credits | g_i_credits015 |
Datapad | g_i_datapad001 |
Repair Kit | g_i_drdrepeqp001 |
Advanced Repair Kit | g_i_drdrepeqp002 |
Construction Kit | g_i_drdrepeqp003 |
Medpac | g_i_medeqpmnt01 |
Advanced Medpac | g_i_medeqpmnt02 |
Life Support Pack | g_i_medeqpmnt03 |
Antidote Kit | g_i_medeqpmnt04 |
Squad Recovery Stim | g_i_medeqpmnt08 |
Parts | g_i_parts01 |
Pazaak Card +1 | g_i_pazcard_001 |
Pazaak Card +2 | g_i_pazcard_002 |
Pazaak Card +3 | g_i_pazcard_003 |
Pazaak Card +4 | g_i_pazcard_004 |
Pazaak Card +5 | g_i_pazcard_005 |
Pazaak Card +6 | g_i_pazcard_006 |
Pazaak Card -1 | g_i_pazcard_007 |
Pazaak Card -2 | g_i_pazcard_008 |
Pazaak Card -3 | g_i_pazcard_009 |
Pazaak Card -4 | g_i_pazcard_010 |
Pazaak Card -5 | g_i_pazcard_011 |
Pazaak Card -6 | g_i_pazcard_012 |
Pazaak Card +/-1 | g_i_pazcard_013 |
Pazaak Card +/-2 | g_i_pazcard_014 |
Pazaak Card +/-3 | g_i_pazcard_015 |
Pazaak Card +/-4 | g_i_pazcard_016 |
Pazaak Card +/-5 | g_i_pazcard_017 |
Pazaak Card +/-6 | g_i_pazcard_018 |
Pazaak Card +/- 1/2 | g_i_pazcard_019 |
Pazaak Card Double | g_i_pazcard_020 |
Pazaak Card Tie Breaker | g_i_pazcard_021 |
Pazaak Card Flip 2&4 | g_i_pazcard_022 |
Pazaak Card Flip 3&6 | g_i_pazcard_023 |
Pazaak Deck | g_i_pazdeck |
Pazaak Side Deck | g_i_pazsidebd001 |
Keycard | g_i_pltuseitm01 |
Computer Spike | g_i_progspike01 |
Security Tunneler | g_i_secspike01 |
Security Spike Tunneler | g_i_secspike02 |
Minor Flash Mine | g_i_trapkit001 |
Average Flash Mine | g_i_trapkit002 |
Blinding Flash Mine | g_i_trapkit003 |
Minor Frag Mine | g_i_trapkit004 |
Average Frag Mine | g_i_trapkit005 |
Deadly Frag Mine | g_i_trapkit006 |
Minor Plasma Mine | g_i_trapkit007 |
Average Plasma Mine | g_i_trapkit008 |
Deadly Plasma Mine | g_i_trapkit009 |
Minor Gas Mine | g_i_trapkit010 |
Average Gas Mine | g_i_trapkit011 |
Deadly Gas Mine | g_i_trapkit012 |
Minor Sonic Mine | g_i_trapkit013 |
Average Sonic Mine | g_i_trapkit014 |
Deadly Sonic Mine | g_i_trapkit015 |
Strong Flash Mine | g_i_trapkit016 |
Devastating Flash Mine | g_i_trapkit017 |
Strong Frag Mine | g_i_trapkit018 |
Devastating Frag Mine | g_i_trapkit019 |
Strong Plasma Mine | g_i_trapkit020 |
Devastating Plasma Mine | g_i_trapkit021 |
Strong Gas Mine | g_i_trapkit022 |
Devastating Gas Mine | g_i_trapkit023 |
Strong Sonic Mine | g_i_trapkit024 |
Devastating Sonic Mine | g_i_trapkit025 |
Scope | g_i_upgrade001 |
Improved Energy Cell | g_i_upgrade002 |
Beam Splitter | g_i_upgrade003 |
Hair Trigger | g_i_upgrade004 |
Armor Reinforcement | g_i_upgrade005 |
Mesh Underlay | g_i_upgrade006 |
Vibration Cell | g_i_upgrade007 |
Durasteel Bonding Alloy | g_i_upgrade008 |
Energy Projector | g_i_upgrade009 |
Wrist Launcher | g_i_wristlaunch |
Adhesive Grenade | g_w_adhsvgren001 |
CryoBan Grenade | g_w_cryobgren001 |
Double-Bladed Lightsaber (Blue) | g_w_dblsbr001 |
Double-Bladed Lightsaber (Red) | g_w_dblsbr002 |
Double-Bladed Lightsaber (Green) | g_w_dblsbr003 |
Double-Bladed Lightsaber (Yellow) | g_w_dblsbr004 |
Double-Bladed Lightsaber (Purple) | g_w_dblsbr005 |
Double-Bladed Lightsaber (Bronze) | g_w_dblsbr007 |
Double-Bladed Lightsaber (Orange) | g_w_dblsbr008 |
Double-Bladed Lightsaber (Silver) | g_w_dblsbr009 |
Double-Bladed Lightsaber (White) | g_w_dblsbr010 |
Double-Bladed Lightsaber (Viridian) | g_w_dblsbr011 |
Dark Jedi Lightsaber | g_w_drkjdisbr001 |
Double-Bladed Lightsaber | g_w_drkjdisbr002 |
Plasma Grenade | g_w_firegren001 |
Frag Grenade | g_w_fraggren01 |
Ion Grenade | g_w_iongren01 |
Lightsaber (Blue) | g_w_lghtsbr01 |
Lightsaber (Red) | g_w_lghtsbr02 |
Lightsaber (Green) | g_w_lghtsbr03 |
Lightsaber (Yellow) | g_w_lghtsbr04 |
Lightsaber (Purple) | g_w_lghtsbr05 |
Lightsaber (Bronze) | g_w_lghtsbr07 |
Lightsaber (Orange) | g_w_lghtsbr08 |
Lightsaber (Silver) | g_w_lghtsbr09 |
Lightsaber (White) | g_w_lghtsbr10 |
Lightsaber (Viridian) | g_w_lghtsbr11 |
Poison Grenade | g_w_poisngren01 |
Short Lightsaber (Blue) | g_w_shortsbr01 |
Short Lightsaber (Red) | g_w_shortsbr02 |
Short Lightsaber (Green) | g_w_shortsbr03 |
Short Lightsaber (Yellow) | g_w_shortsbr04 |
Short Lightsaber (Purple) | g_w_shortsbr05 |
Short Lightsaber (Bronze) | g_w_shortsbr07 |
Short Lightsaber (Orange) | g_w_shortsbr08 |
Short Lightsaber (Silver) | g_w_shortsbr09 |
Short Lightsaber (White) | g_w_shortsbr10 |
Short Lightsaber (Viridian) | g_w_shortsbr11 |
Minor Sonic Detonator | g_w_sonicdet01 |
Sonic Detonator | g_w_sonicdet02 |
Sonic Grenade | g_w_sonicgren01 |
Concussion Grenade | g_w_stungren01 |
Thermal Detonator | g_w_thermldet01 |
Double-Bladed Lightsaber | g1_w_dblsbr001 |
Double-Bladed Lightsaber | g1_w_dblsbr002 |
Lightsaber | g1_w_lghtsbr01 |
Lightsaber | g1_w_lghtsbr02 |
Unknown | g1_w_sbrcrstl21 |
Short Lightsaber | g1_w_shortsbr01 |
Short Lightsaber | g1_w_shortsbr02 |
HK Droid Processor | hkpart01 |
HK Chassis | hkpart02 |
HK Control Cluster | hkpart03 |
HK Vocabulator | hkpart04 |
HK Protocol Pacifist Package | hkpart05 |
KillBlaster | killblaster |
Lightsaber Energy Cell Fixture | lspart01 |
Lightsaber Emitter Fixture | lspart02 |
Lightsaber Focusing Lens Fixture | lspart03 |
Miner Uniform | mineruniform |
Mining Laser | mininglaser |
Crystal 01_VD | qcrystal_1_0 |
Crystal 01_D | qcrystal_1_1 |
Crystal 01_N | qcrystal_1_2 |
Crystal 01_L | qcrystal_1_3 |
Crystal 01_VL | qcrystal_1_4 |
Crystal 02_VD | qcrystal_2_0 |
Crystal 02_D | qcrystal_2_1 |
Crystal 02_N | qcrystal_2_2 |
Crystal 02_L | qcrystal_2_3 |
Crystal 02_VL | qcrystal_2_4 |
Crystal 03_VD | qcrystal_3_0 |
Crystal 03_D | qcrystal_3_1 |
Crystal 03_N | qcrystal_3_2 |
Crystal 03_L | qcrystal_3_3 |
Crystal 03_VL | qcrystal_3_4 |
Crystal 04_VD | qcrystal_4_0 |
Crystal 04_D | qcrystal_4_1 |
Crystal 04_N | qcrystal_4_2 |
Crystal 04_L | qcrystal_4_3 |
Crystal 04_VL | qcrystal_4_4 |
Crystal 05_VD | qcrystal_5_0 |
Crystal 05_D | qcrystal_5_1 |
Crystal 05_N | qcrystal_5_2 |
Crystal 05_L | qcrystal_5_3 |
Crystal 05_VL | qcrystal_5_4 |
Crystal 06_VD | qcrystal_6_0 |
Crystal 06_D | qcrystal_6_1 |
Crystal 06_N | qcrystal_6_2 |
Crystal 06_L | qcrystal_6_3 |
Crystal 06_VL | qcrystal_6_4 |
Crystal 07_VD | qcrystal_7_0 |
Crystal 07_D | qcrystal_7_1 |
Crystal 07_N | qcrystal_7_2 |
Crystal 07_L | qcrystal_7_3 |
Crystal 07_VL | qcrystal_7_4 |
Crystal 08_VD | qcrystal_8_0 |
Crystal 08_D | qcrystal_8_1 |
Crystal 08_N | qcrystal_8_2 |
Crystal 08_L | qcrystal_8_3 |
Crystal 08_VL | qcrystal_8_4 |
Crystal 09_VD | qcrystal_9_0 |
Crystal 09_D | qcrystal_9_1 |
Crystal 09_N | qcrystal_9_2 |
Crystal 09_L | qcrystal_9_3 |
Crystal 09_VL | qcrystal_9_4 |
Heat Shielding Mark I | u_a_over_01 |
Armorply Plating Mark I | u_a_over_02 |
Sound Dampening Overlay Mark I | u_a_over_03 |
Ablative Plating Mark I | u_a_over_04 |
Energy Shielding Mark I | u_a_over_05 |
Ballistic Shielding Mark I | u_a_over_06 |
Bonded Plates Mark I | u_a_over_07 |
Heavy Bonded Plates Mark I | u_a_over_08 |
Heat Shielding Mark II | u_a_over_09 |
Armorply Plating Mark II | u_a_over_10 |
Sound Dampening Overlay Mark II | u_a_over_11 |
Ablative Plating Mark II | u_a_over_12 |
Energy Shielding Mark II | u_a_over_13 |
Ballistic Shielding Mark II | u_a_over_14 |
Bonded Plates Mark II | u_a_over_15 |
Heavy Bonded Plates Mark II | u_a_over_16 |
Heat Shielding Mark III | u_a_over_17 |
Armorply Plating Mark III | u_a_over_18 |
Sound Dampening Overlay Mark III | u_a_over_19 |
Ablative Plating Mark III | u_a_over_20 |
Energy Shielding Mark III | u_a_over_21 |
Ballistic Shielding Mark III | u_a_over_22 |
Bonded Plates Mark III | u_a_over_23 |
Heavy Bonded Plates Mark III | u_a_over_24 |
Heat Shielding Mark IV | u_a_over_25 |
Armorply Plating Mark IV | u_a_over_26 |
Sound Dampening Overlay Mark IV | u_a_over_27 |
Ablative Plating Mark IV | u_a_over_28 |
Energy Shielding Mark IV | u_a_over_29 |
Bonded Plates Mark IV | u_a_over_30 |
Environment Underlay Mark I | u_a_unde_01 |
Biorestorative Underlay Mark I | u_a_unde_02 |
Armorweave Underlay Mark I | u_a_unde_03 |
Strengthening Underlay Mark I | u_a_unde_04 |
Flexible Underlay Mark I | u_a_unde_05 |
Durasteel Underlay Mark I | u_a_unde_06 |
Environment Underlay Mark II | u_a_unde_07 |
Biorestorative Underlay Mark II | u_a_unde_08 |
Armorweave Underlay Mark II | u_a_unde_09 |
Strengthening Underlay Mark II | u_a_unde_10 |
Flexible Underlay Mark II | u_a_unde_11 |
Durasteel Underlay Mark II | u_a_unde_12 |
Environment Underlay Mark III | u_a_unde_13 |
Biorestorative Underlay Mark III | u_a_unde_14 |
Armorweave Underlay Mark III | u_a_unde_15 |
Strengthening Underlay Mark III | u_a_unde_16 |
Flexible Underlay Mark III | u_a_unde_17 |
Durasteel Underlay Mark III | u_a_unde_18 |
Environment Underlay Mark IV | u_a_unde_19 |
Biorestorative Underlay Mark IV | u_a_unde_20 |
Armorweave Underlay Mark IV | u_a_unde_21 |
Strengthening Underlay Mark IV | u_a_unde_22 |
Flexible Underlay Mark IV | u_a_unde_23 |
Durasteel Underlay Mark IV | u_a_unde_24 |
Environment Underlay Mark V | u_a_unde_25 |
Biorestorative Underlay Mark V | u_a_unde_26 |
Armorweave Underlay Mark V | u_a_unde_27 |
Strengthening Underlay Mark V | u_a_unde_28 |
Flexible Underlay Mark V | u_a_unde_29 |
Durasteel Underlay Mark V | u_a_unde_30 |
Discharge Energy Cell | u_l_cell_01 |
Diatium Energy Cell | u_l_cell_02 |
Ion Energy Cell | u_l_cell_03 |
Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark I | u_l_cell_04 |
Improved Discharge Energy Cell | u_l_cell_05 |
Improved Diatium Energy Cell | u_l_cell_06 |
Improved Ion Energy Cell | u_l_cell_07 |
Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark II | u_l_cell_08 |
Superior Discharge Energy Cell | u_l_cell_09 |
Superior Diatium Energy Cell | u_l_cell_10 |
Superior Ion Energy Cell | u_l_cell_11 |
Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark III | u_l_cell_12 |
Ultimate Diatium Energy Cell | u_l_cell_13 |
Crystal, Blue | u_l_colo_01 |
Crystal, Green | u_l_colo_02 |
Crystal, Yellow | u_l_colo_03 |
Crystal, Red | u_l_colo_04 |
Crystal, Violet | u_l_colo_05 |
Crystal, Cyan | u_l_colo_06 |
Crystal, Silver | u_l_colo_07 |
Crystal, Orange | u_l_colo_08 |
Crystal, Viridian | u_l_colo_09 |
Crystal, Bronze | u_l_colo_10 |
Crystal, Adegan | u_l_crys_01 |
Crystal, Rubat | u_l_crys_02 |
Crystal, Ruusan | u_l_crys_03 |
Crystal, Nextor | u_l_crys_04 |
Crystal, Dragite | u_l_crys_05 |
Crystal, Firkrann | u_l_crys_06 |
Crystal, Phond | u_l_crys_07 |
Crystal, Bondar | u_l_crys_08 |
Crystal, Velmorite | u_l_crys_09 |
Crystal, Sigil | u_l_crys_10 |
Crystal, Jenruax | u_l_crys_11 |
Crystal, Kasha | u_l_crys_12 |
Crystal, Opila | u_l_crys_13 |
Crystal, Eralam | u_l_crys_14 |
Crystal, Stygium | u_l_crys_15 |
Crystal, Damind | u_l_crys_16 |
Crystal, Sapith | u_l_crys_17 |
Crystal, Pontite | u_l_crys_18 |
Crystal, Upari | u_l_crys_19 |
Ultima-pearl | u_l_crys_20 |
Crystal, Solari | u_l_crys_21 |
Crystal, Qixoni | u_l_crys_21x |
Lorrdian Gemstone | u_l_crys_22 |
Barab Ore Ingot | u_l_crys_23 |
Ankarres Sapphire | u_l_crys_24 |
Crystal, Kaiburr | u_l_crys_25 |
Crystal, Hurrikaine | u_l_crys_x23 |
Deflection Emitter | u_l_emit_01 |
Disrupting Emitter | u_l_emit_02 |
Crude Phobium Emitter | u_l_emit_03 |
Fencing Emitter | u_l_emit_04 |
Improved Deflection Emitter | u_l_emit_05 |
Advanced Disrupting Emitter | u_l_emit_06 |
Synthesized Phobium Emitter | u_l_emit_07 |
Improved Fencing Emitter | u_l_emit_08 |
Expert Deflection Emitter | u_l_emit_09 |
Superior Disrupting Emitter | u_l_emit_10 |
Phobium Alloy Emitter | u_l_emit_11 |
Expert Fencing Emitter | u_l_emit_12 |
Refined Phobium Emitter | u_l_emit_13 |
Synthesized Kunda Lens | u_l_lens_01 |
Dragite Lens | u_l_lens_02 |
Synthesized Byrothsis Lens | u_l_lens_03 |
Beam Gem Lens | u_l_lens_04 |
Vibration Lens | u_l_lens_05 |
Pure Kunda Lens | u_l_lens_06 |
Adegan Lens | u_l_lens_07 |
Pure Byrothsis Lens | u_l_lens_08 |
Improved Beam Gem Lens | u_l_lens_09 |
Improved Vibration Lens | u_l_lens_10 |
Ossus Dueling Lens | u_l_lens_11 |
Pontite Lens | u_l_lens_12 |
Enhanced Byrothsis Lens | u_l_lens_13 |
Ion Cell | u_m_cell_01 |
Vibration Cell | u_m_cell_02 |
Enhanced Energy Cell | u_m_cell_03 |
Sonic Discharge Cell | u_m_cell_04 |
Ion Cell Mark II | u_m_cell_05 |
Vibration Cell Mark II | u_m_cell_06 |
Enhanced Energy Cell Mark II | u_m_cell_07 |
Sonic Discharge Cell Mark II | u_m_cell_08 |
Ion Cell Mark III | u_m_cell_09 |
Vibration Cell Mark III | u_m_cell_10 |
Enhanced Energy Cell Mark III | u_m_cell_11 |
Sonic Discharge Cell Mark III | u_m_cell_12 |
Ion Cell Mark IV | u_m_cell_13 |
Vibration Cell Mark IV | u_m_cell_14 |
Enhanced Energy Cell Mark IV | u_m_cell_15 |
Mild Devaronian Edge | u_m_edge_01 |
Basic Ionite Edge | u_m_edge_02 |
Basic Mullinine Edge | u_m_edge_03 |
Basic Neutronium Edge | u_m_edge_04 |
Moderate Devaronian Edge | u_m_edge_05 |
Improved Ionite Edge | u_m_edge_06 |
Improved Mullinine Edge | u_m_edge_07 |
Improved Neutronium Edge | u_m_edge_08 |
Severe Devaronian Edge | u_m_edge_09 |
Superior Ionite Edge | u_m_edge_10 |
Superior Mullinine Edge | u_m_edge_11 |
Superior Neutronium Edge | u_m_edge_12 |
Deadly Devaronian Edge | u_m_edge_13 |
Quadranium Edge | u_m_edge_14 |
Ostrine Edge | u_m_edge_15 |
Agrinium Grip | u_m_grip_01 |
Contoured Grip | u_m_grip_02 |
Zabrak Grip | u_m_grip_03 |
Basket Hilt | u_m_grip_04 |
Nagai Grip | u_m_grip_05 |
Advanced Agrinium Grip | u_m_grip_06 |
Advanced Contoured Grip | u_m_grip_07 |
Advanced Zabrak Grip | u_m_grip_08 |
Advanced Basket Hilt | u_m_grip_09 |
Advanced Nagai Grip | u_m_grip_10 |
Superior Agrinium Grip | u_m_grip_11 |
Superior Contoured Grip | u_m_grip_12 |
Superior Zabrak Grip | u_m_grip_13 |
Superior Basket Hilt | u_m_grip_14 |
Superior Nagai Grip | u_m_grip_15 |
Broadening Chamber Mark I | u_r_firi_01 |
Amplifying Chamber Mark I | u_r_firi_02 |
Precision Chamber Mark I | u_r_firi_03 |
Beam Splitter Mark I | u_r_firi_04 |
Mandalorian Chamber Mark I | u_r_firi_05 |
Broadened Chamber Mark II | u_r_firi_06 |
Amplifying Chamber Mark II | u_r_firi_07 |
Precision Chamber Mark II | u_r_firi_08 |
Beam Splitter Mark II | u_r_firi_09 |
Mandalorian Chamber Mark II | u_r_firi_10 |
Broadened Chamber Mark III | u_r_firi_11 |
Amplifying Chamber Mark III | u_r_firi_12 |
Precision Chamber Mark III | u_r_firi_13 |
Beam Splitter Mark III | u_r_firi_14 |
Mandalorian Chamber Mark III | u_r_firi_15 |
Ion Charger Mark I | u_r_powe_01 |
Power Pulsator Mark I | u_r_powe_02 |
Basic Rylith Power Cell | u_r_powe_03 |
Ion Charger Mark II | u_r_powe_04 |
Power Pulsator Mark II | u_r_powe_05 |
Standard Rylith Power Cell | u_r_powe_06 |
Ion Charger Mark III | u_r_powe_07 |
Power Pulsator Mark III | u_r_powe_08 |
Advanced Rylith Power Cell | u_r_powe_09 |
Ion Charger Mark IV | u_r_powe_10 |
Power Pulsator Mark IV | u_r_powe_11 |
Superior Rylith Power Cell | u_r_powe_12 |
Ion Charger Mark V | u_r_powe_13 |
Power Pulsator Mark V | u_r_powe_14 |
Pure Rylith Power Cell | u_r_powe_15 |
Pinpoint Scope Mark I | u_r_targ_01 |
Accuracy Scope Mark I | u_r_targ_02 |
Targeting Scope Mark I | u_r_targ_03 |
Crippling Scope Mark I | u_r_targ_04 |
Pinpoint Scope Mark II | u_r_targ_05 |
Accuracy Scope Mark II | u_r_targ_06 |
Targeting Scope Mark II | u_r_targ_07 |
Crippling Scope Mark II | u_r_targ_08 |
Pinpoint Scope Mark III | u_r_targ_09 |
Accuracy Scope Mark III | u_r_targ_10 |
Targeting Scope Mark III | u_r_targ_11 |
Crippling Scope Mark III | u_r_targ_12 |
Pinpoint Scope Mark IV | u_r_targ_13 |
Accuracy Scope Mark IV | u_r_targ_14 |
Targeting Scope Mark IV | u_r_targ_15 |
Vibrocutter | vibrocutter |
Blaster Pistol | w_blaste_01 |
Ion Blaster | w_blaste_02 |
Field Survival Pistol | w_blaste_03 |
Sonic Pistol | w_blaste_04 |
Disruptor Pistol | w_blaste_05 |
Heavy Blaster | w_blaste_06 |
Scout Enforcer | w_blaste_07 |
Systech Aural Blaster | w_blaste_08 |
Republic Blaster | w_blaste_09 |
Aratech Droid Oxidizer | w_blaste_10 |
Arkanian Heavy Pistol | w_blaste_11 |
Mandalorian Blaster | w_blaste_12 |
Systech Static Blaster | w_blaste_13 |
Arkanian Sonic Blaster | w_blaste_14 |
Sith Disruptor | w_blaste_15 |
Mandalorian Heavy Blaster | w_blaste_16 |
Heavy Sonic Blaster | w_blaste_17 |
Watchman Blaster | w_blaste_18 |
Zabrak Blaster Pistol | w_blaste_19 |
Mandalorian Ripper | w_blaste_20 |
Aratech Ionmaster | w_blaste_21 |
Onasi Blaster | w_blaste_22 |
Dashade Sonic Blaster | w_blaste_23 |
Zabrak Heavy Blaster | w_blaste_24 |
Systech Electric Blaster | w_blaste_25 |
Micro-Pulse Blaster | w_blaste_26 |
Elite Watchman Blaster | w_blaste_27 |
Mandalorian Disintegrator | w_blaste_28 |
Dashade Sonic Disruptor | w_blaste_29 |
Freedon Nadd's Blaster | w_blaste_30 |
Luxa's Disruptor | w_blaste_x05 |
Remote's Blaster | w_blaste_x20 |
Blaster Carbine | w_brifle_01 |
Ion Carbine | w_brifle_02 |
Sonic Carbine | w_brifle_03 |
Blaster Rifle | w_brifle_04 |
Bowcaster | w_brifle_05 |
Repeating Blaster Carbine | w_brifle_06 |
Ion Rifle | w_brifle_07 |
Disruptor Carbine | w_brifle_08 |
Sonic Rifle | w_brifle_09 |
Repeating Blaster Rifle | w_brifle_10 |
War Bowcaster | w_brifle_11 |
Arkanian Blaster Rifle | w_brifle_12 |
Disruptor Rifle | w_brifle_13 |
Argazdan Riot Buster | w_brifle_14 |
Bothan Droid Disruptor | w_brifle_15 |
Combat Enforcer | w_brifle_16 |
Heavy Repeating Carbine | w_brifle_17 |
Plasma Projector | w_brifle_18 |
Mandalorian Assault Rifle | w_brifle_19 |
Verpine Droid Disruptor | w_brifle_20 |
Ceremonial Bowcaster | w_brifle_21 |
Heavy Repeating Rifle | w_brifle_22 |
Charric | w_brifle_23 |
Zabrak Blaster Carbine | w_brifle_24 |
Slavemaster Stun Carbine | w_brifle_25 |
Onderon Repeating Carbine | w_brifle_26 |
Sonic Disruptor | w_brifle_27 |
Mandalorian Heavy Repeater | w_brifle_28 |
Verpine Droid Disintegrator | w_brifle_29 |
Zersium Rifle | w_brifle_30 |
Drink In Hand | w_drink_01 |
Empty Hand | w_emptyhnd_01 |
Visas Marr's Lightsaber | w_ls_x01 |
Short Sword | w_melee_01 |
Long Sword | w_melee_02 |
Energy Baton | w_melee_03 |
Quarterstaff | w_melee_04 |
Vibroblade | w_melee_05 |
Vibrosword | w_melee_06 |
Double-Bladed Sword | w_melee_07 |
Exchange Negotiator | w_melee_08 |
Gamorrean War Axe | w_melee_09 |
Zabrak Vibroblade | w_melee_10 |
Rodian Blade | w_melee_11 |
Sith War Sword | w_melee_12 |
Trandoshan Sword | w_melee_13 |
Force Pike | w_melee_14 |
Vibro Double-Blade | w_melee_15 |
Gamorrean Cleaver | w_melee_16 |
Rodian Death Blade | w_melee_17 |
Gand Silencer | w_melee_18 |
Ryyk Blade | w_melee_19 |
Trandoshan Double-Blade | w_melee_20 |
Echani Vibrosword | w_melee_21 |
Sith Tremor Sword | w_melee_22 |
Gand Shockstaff | w_melee_23 |
Shyarn | w_melee_24 |
Arg'garok | w_melee_25 |
Geonosian Electro-Staff | w_melee_26 |
Tehk'la Blade | w_melee_27 |
Zhaboka | w_melee_28 |
Gand Discharger | w_melee_29 |
Freyyr's Warblade | w_melee_30 |
Handmaiden's Staff | w_melee_x01 |
Twi'lek Spinning Blade | w_melee_x02 |
Twi'lek Spinning Blade | w_melee_x03 |
Ludo Kressh's War Sword | w_melee_x12 |
Pazaak Cards In Hand | w_pazaak_01 |
Explosive Rocket | w_rocket_01 |
Tranquilizer Dart | w_rocket_02 |
Buster Rocket | w_rocket_03 |
Kyber Dart | w_rocket_04 |
Plasma Rocket | w_rocket_05 |
Poison Rocket | w_rocket_06 |
Poison Dart | w_rocket_07 |
Piercing Dart | w_rocket_08 |
Paralysis Dart | w_rocket_09 |
Ion Rocket | w_rocket_10 |
Concussion Rocket | w_rocket_11 |
Freedon Nadd's Short Lightsaber | w_sls_x02 |