Equus Sims Cc Database

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Equus Sims Cc Database 5,0/5 1581 reviews
  1. Sims Cc Tumblr
  2. Sims 3 Realistic Horse Mods

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Sims Cc Tumblr


Sims 3 Realistic Horse Mods

  • How about these?
  • I personally love sims3pack files, I suggest going on The Sims 3 Resource, it's really REALLY great for me, and has loads of realistic hair, makeup and custom content like clothes, and things. I apologize if you already know about it, but you just gotta look for the good stuff.
  • Yes - I love TSR. They have TONS of stuff... yes a lot of it is really glamorous but there is plenty of casual stuff too. I recall getting a bunch off CC from Liana Sims as well.
  • edited August 2015
    I don't use anything from TSR - a lot of it seems like photoskinned rubbish, it is often badly made, and you need to be wary of the ads that plague the site, sometimes they're malicious.
    Anubis does some nice everyday dresses and outfits for Sims 3. Though he's moved on to 4, he still has his S3 stuff on his site. Another good place to browse the clothing tags is at My Sims 3 Blog. It doesn't appear to be updated any longer, but it has an excellent array of Sims 3 CC to browse through.
    Ace Creators is another site featuring four or five creators showcasing their work. The items are very well made, and they're not all fashion model stuff.
    You can also try the clothing section at ModTheSims and see if there is anything there that you fancy.
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  • @Pingyo and @amethnw - Actually, TSR has most of that 'fancy' CC I was talking about. Plus, I really don't trust that site. Too many malicious ads and sketchy CC makers.
    @LaBlue0314 That works! Thanks.
    @Pary I've already raided My Sims 3 Blog, but everything else looks good! Thanks.
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  • On this site is also a few good, and normal cc.

    That's a good site, thanks.
    I'm still open to suggestions!
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  • edited August 2015
    Juliana has a lot of reasonably normal clothing.
    If stuff that's more grungy is your thing, Club Crimsyn / Aikea Guinea have a lot of that.
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  • I have that exact same problem. It seems everyone who creates cc has the same... style. Honestly, the Sims on the Sims resource look like Barbie dolls. And the clothes are ridiculous. I found some cute nightgowns with a kitten on them. They are very simple, realistic and cute. (Who doesn't love kittens?)
    Dresses are tricky as they tend to be a little too low in my opinion. Often very short as well. Not to mention the ones that just kind of make me think anime. Here's one that I found that I like. It is short but I simply use leggings to solve that issue.
    Modthesims however, has quite a bit of good clothing options. Tends to be very high quality as well. Clothing for kids is usually pretty good on both sites. Hair... well that's a completely different story.
    Not sure if this is your style, but out of days spent searching for clothing, these are what turned up. At least that I like. To be fair though, I got a bit caught up in furniture and boots. I probably only spent a couple hours on clothing.
  • edited August 2015
    My tip to find a lot of cc: tumblr. And follow a lot of 'cc finds' tumblr, in a time, you will have million things you like. Realistic clothes, hair, shoes...For every gender and lifestage. A lot of people there also have a page with links to good cc-sites. Take this page for example:
    And also take a look at mysims3blog, it isn't updated anymore for a long time but you can still see everything and search in categories.
    And I agree that the clothes on TSR are horrible, some haircreators are doing well, but it's often just the wrong texture. Go to tumblr (or simblr), again.
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