Discount Voucher Comes Under In Tally
This is the time for creating actual Sales and Purchase Vouchers in Tally since we have created all that which is required to create the vouchers. Firstly, we will create a sales voucher and then we will jump off to create a purchase voucher. Creating a Sales Voucher in Tally.
How can you change voucher no in tally?
go to in voucher entry and change voucher number in tally .
Can i copy voucher in tally?
Copy voucher in Tally Gateway of Tally Display Daybook Select the Voucher Alt + 2 Now Press ctrl + A
How do you search voucher no in tally?
How do you enter capital received in tally are voucher?
Gateway of Tally>Accounting Voucher Press F7 for journal Voucher Cash A/c................Dr. To Capital A/c
What is memo voucher on tally?
How do you activate indent voucher in tally 9.2?
you cant activate indent voucher in tally 9.2 you can in Tally.ERP9 Rakesh 9885907499
Which voucher is called non-accounting voucher in tally?
stock journal vourcher is non accounting voucher in tally because this using transfer the stock items.
How can you cancel the journal voucher in tally?
If you want to cancel the voucher open the voucher perss Alt+X then it will cancel
Give you some tally shortcut keys?
Receipt voucher - F6 Contra voucher - F4 Payment voucher - F5 Purchase voucher - F6 Journal voucher - F7 Sales voucher - F8
What is vouchers in tally?
How can you make entry of expenditure in tally?
What is the use of physical stock voucher tally?
Physical stock voucher used in tally for the purpose of records the receipt, issue of stock and transfer the stock from one godown to another.
How do you create voucher entry in tally?
create voucher is wrong create Ledgers & Pass the vouchers Gateway of tally accounts info ledgers create after create ledger gate way of tally accounting vouchers now pass the entries
What do you mean by voucher in tally?
What is the shortcut key of tally to create sales voucher?
F8 is the shortcut key that you can use for selecting sales voucher.
Where you can entered drawing entry in Tally 9.0?
How can create tally voucher name signataure?
I want to Tally 7.2 voucher entry practice. what site on net?
Where i can prepare Purchase Order in tally 7.2?
Gateway of Tally Inventry Voucher Alt+F4 Purchase Order
You have tally erp 9 accounting softwer but you can not chang voucher date?
All is not lost, the date can be altered in Tally erp 9. First select voucher key, F2 key, and then change the date
How do you enter voucher entries in tally?
How do you use debit note in tally 9.0?
go to gateway of tally then voucher and click on debit note of the screen your right side
How can you search voucher number in tally accounting software?
From Day book set date from to as whole year. After that press Ctrl+F12 and then : Voucher -> having -> Voucher Number -> equal to -> 'Particular Voucher Number' - End of List
How do you make service tax entries?
i need your help about entries of service tax, optional voucher, journal voucher, memo vouchers in tally 7.2
How can you change voucher no in tally 7.2?
First you will choose the voucher you want to change and then double click it to open it. You can also press F2 as well to change it.
How do you cheng tally erp 9 voucher date creck file mack?
i want to change date in voucher entry par voucher entry is no changing in voucher so pls reply me. thank nitin kumar
How do you create quotations using Tally 7.2?
You can create quotations by creating voucher types.
How do you copy ledger tally to tally?
Copy Ledger Tally to Tally It is very easy but Carefully create 2 companys & ledgers Like 'A' & 'B' create same ledger in A & B now open 2 companys in company A pass one voucher now goto daybook & open that voucher press F3 now select 2nd company 'B' press ctrl+a
Tally 7.2 does not change date in voucher entry?
If you use original tally software this problem will not come it will come only in pirated version. JP NARAYAN
Discount Voucher Comes Under In Tally 2017
How can I import tally data to tally7.2?
Import tally data to tally 7.2 ? from which version if your import tally data from 5.4,6.3 just copy the data folder and past in 7.2 data folder (* note: data folders in numerics 4 digits same folders will be overrite) if your export date one company to other company export in XML & IMPORT (GATE WAY TALLY) -> Import of dat -> Master now give the xml path for master for voucher -> Gateway… Read More
What is journal voucher and its important in tally?
All transactions entries which will not do to any other accounting vouchers.
How alter date in tally-9?
Can an office expenses entered in journal voucher in tally?
Tally 7.2 purchase voucher as voucher mode?
i want to use reference of a customer in journal entry to clear the due balance of customer from finance company. how i ll do that? please help me.
When are you journal voucher use in tally?
Journal Voucher is used when the transactions are not affecting the cash or bank account i.e., all adjusting entries are passed through this. Eg. Discount Recieved
You are forgot your tally5.4 passward How I can recover it?
if i forget my password to open tally 5.4 or in accounts info voucher types what is the use of prefix detail and sufix detail option if i forget my password to open tally 5.4 or in accounts info voucher types what is the use of prefix detail and sufix detail option
Features of tally 9.0?
F1 - Select Company. F2 - To Change Date F3 - To Select the company F4 - Contra Entry F5 - Payment Voucher F6 - Receipt. F7 - Journal F8 - Sales Voucher F9 - Purchase Voucher Manasi
How do you alter the Receipt voucher date in tally 9?
after save the recipt voucher then modify it,how is it ? simply way 1) press page up botton 2) and press F2 button and change the date
How do you sales with discount credit voucher entries in tally?
When you write purchases in journal voucher in tally?
When the purchase is of the item that is sold by you ( in trading business ) or it is not the raw material ( for the manufacturing unit ).
Different types of voucher in tally?
Vouchers types Payments Receipts Sales Purchases Journals Debit Notes Credit Notes Delivery Challans Goods Inward Goods Outward Stock Journals Physical Stock Vouchers Contras Memos Sales Orders Purchase Orders Rejection Notes Reversing Journal
How can you change payment voucher no or receipts voucher no manually in tally erp 9?
In Tally ERP 9 , the numbering of payment vouchers or receipt vouchers can be changed manually with the override function. After keying all information, before posting it, right click to reveal options when hovering over the number. Click on override to change the number.
How can you cancel a sales entry in tally?
Display menu>Daybook menu>select the required voucher entry>press Alt+D
What do you mean by voucher class in tally?
voucher class is novel way of automating accounting allocations during transaction. this is particularly useful in sales invoice where the nominal ledger account, to be credited for each item of sale, is defined once.
How do you create roundoff ledger in tally?
You can do this in order to keep the accounts accurate. You will need to create the invoice voucher and then set up the details that are needed.
How do you do drawing entry in tally payment voucher?
Drawing or Capital A/C Dr. To Cash / Bank A/C Go to payments and select capital account
How do you create proforma invoice in TallyERP9 without affecting inventory?
in order to create proforma invoice in Tally ERP 9, You can create a New Voucher Type called Proforma Invoice under Sales and click on Optional as yes. Now Press F8 in Voucher Entry it will ask you to choose Voucher type, select proforma invoice.
How can you entry in tally if cash deposit in bank?
If it is contra entry :Go to ACCOUNTING VOUCHER in tally 9 , after that mouse left click on CONTRA box on your left side or press F4, and then select BANK under Accounts , and select CASH under PERTICULARS.
You can not chang voucher date in tally erp 9?
Yes the date can be changed. Select F2 . Follow instructions to change date, then Enter out onto main screen.
Discount Voucher Comes Under In Tally Free
What is meaning of Group Vouchers screen Monthly Configuration screen Group Summary screen Ledger Voucher screen in tally?
group voucher means to group each and every specified voucher according to the user needs. Group summary means summary of the groups already created in the running company. monthly configuration means screen displays details about concerned account for a specified period.
assume that i have a coaching institute.
i created an account named 'student acc' under sundry creditors
at the time of admission the 'student acc' is debited with the fees the student as to pay.
but in some cases i have to give a discount to the student later on.
i dont want to edit my fees from say 10000 to 8000 to give 2000 as discount
i want to maintain my original fees and also the amount of discount i have given over a period
so can i do that by creating a dicsount ledger under indirect expenses?
if so how will the account entries be??
please help.
Accounting Entry will be: At the time of admiision you will debit the student A/c.
And at the time of Receipt : Cash/Bank A/c. Dr. 8,000
Discount A/c. Dr 2,000
Student A/c. Cr.10,000
Open Discount A/c. under the head Direct Expense
thanks for the reply.
but suppose i want to give discount after receipt has been done
my original fees will have service tax calculated on it
eg. original fees is rs 100 with 10.3% STAX = Rs. 103
then in that case how will the entries be if i want to give discount after receipt?
I suggest you better open an account as discount undr indirect expenses so that a journal entry can be passed as and when a discount has been extended. The main advantage is you can ascertain the actual discount extended at the end of the aprticular period. I fyou have more than one account in income area you can allot cost centrer to drive how much discount extended to each dept.
Opening Entry
Cash/bank A/c Rs 10000
To Student A/c Rs 10000
Discount Entry
Discount A/c Dr Rs2000
To Cash/Bank A/c Rs 2000
Originally posted by : vinod bhandari | ||
Opening Entry Cash/bank A/c Rs 10000 To Student A/c Rs 10000 Discount Entry Discount A/c Dr Rs2000 To Cash/Bank A/c Rs 2000 |
Since discount is a non-cash expense, this entry is not correct.
I agree with Mr. Narasimhan that Discount Account should be opened under the head 'Indirect Expense' and then through a Journal Voucher an entry of discount may be passed as and when discount is given to the student (standing as creditor in the books).
Originally posted by : V P Narasimhan | ||
Dear I suggest you better open an account as discount undr indirect expenses so that a journal entry can be passed as and when a discount has been extended. The main advantage is you can ascertain the actual discount extended at the end of the aprticular period. I fyou have more than one account in income area you can allot cost centrer to drive how much discount extended to each dept. |
Hows it possible sir many student are prepare ca and he/she are reply are to different answer
this post is allready see on dec-1 but i not agree with riswa
Originally posted by : aditya | ||
assume that i have a coaching institute. i created an account named 'student acc' under sundry creditors at the time of admission the 'student acc' is debited with the fees the student as to pay. but in some cases i have to give a discount to the student later on. i dont want to edit my fees from say 10000 to 8000 to give 2000 as discount i want to maintain my original fees and also the amount of discount i have given over a period so can i do that by creating a dicsount ledger under indirect expenses? if so how will the account entries be?? please help. |
leave the account as it goes on and on close of year or actual payment day , debit the diff to discount or incentive account to close the 'student ledger'
guys, i got a situation here, tat when the discount is given in percentage how to post entry based on only percentage and not the amount... is there any way to do tat in tally by giving only the rate of percentage...........